Monday, April 24, 2017


Roomba--- Ever since I learned about the robotic vacuum cleaner, I have wanted one but so far, just not enough to part with around $300 to own one.


The idea of a little round artificial intelligence gizmo that could clean my floors by itself and then put itself away in its charging station when done, was delightfully Jetson-esque for me. I always wanted to live in the Jetson's era.

I really HATE to vacuum. I am certain that if I am sent to the bad place when I die, my punishment will be to vacuum all of Hell for eternity. Shudder.

Not having the disposable $300 to replace a perfectly good human operated vacuum, I just yearn fruitlessly for a robotic one.

When my brother was here, the UPS man delivered vacuum cleaner bags I had ordered that Sears no longer carries in the store. As I was putting them away, I moaned to Jim about my yearning for a robotic cleaner.

He just got a funny look and said," But you all ready have one."

"Huh?" I questioned, " How do you figure that?"

He then pointed to the kitchen where Callie was scarfing up some toast crumbs from the floor.

Twenty second video of my 4 legged Roomba

Callie will go after a minuscule crumb with the same zeal she would her favorite kibble. I really do feed her enough but watching her weight is a constant as she is such a little piglet. She would look like a sausage on toothpicks if I let her have all she wanted.  Callie is a total chow hound and is not too proud to clean crumbs from floors.

I got tickled when I saw her licking the floor and I had to admit to Jim that she does carpets also as I often eat in the living room watching TV.  If I had a lot less couth, I would allow her to prepare the dishes for the dishwasher also. Fortunately, I am not quite that uncouth.

Guess  I will just settle for my four legged crumb vacuum.  If I hadn't all ready named her, I think the name Roomba would suit her fine.

Do you have one of those actual robotic marvels?  Tell me how wonderful it is. If not, would you even want one?  Or are you also the proud owner of a four legged, furry one like I am?


  1. I also lust after a Roomba even though I have a four-legged one, too. Levi is actually the reason I don't have a Roomba. I read a ton of reviews on these marvels and a couple mentioned how they smeared pet vomit or poop all over the place. Levi has a touchy stomach and has been known upchuck from time to time. But he also barks at moving balls and whine-up toys. Have you seen the videos of cats that like to ride Roombas? Pets loves these vacuums.

    1. Jean,
      Hum, never thought about it making a worse mess. Luckily, if I am home and Callie needs to barf, she asks to go outside. Love that about her. It would be fun to see how she would react to one.

  2. My daughter owns a Roomba and loves it. I have two of the four legged kind. However the crumbs they eat don't make up for the hair they leave all over the place.

    1. Annie,
      True, I am plagued with pet hair also which I hoped the Roomba would get. Good to hear the review from your daughter. Most I know that have them love them. Someday---

  3. I like the idea of a Roomba but have never seen one outside of ads. I have wondered if they make a lot of noise. I think your four-legged one works just fine, Patti. :-)

    1. Djan,
      A good friend had one and said the noise wasn't bad. Callie does do a decent job--just can't get her to slurp up the cat hair:))

  4. I suspect the roomba is more of a toy than tool. A dog will keep the floor clear of all food. Never thought of the Roomba making a mess of the wrong kind of mess.

    For quick pick, up a $30 "Swivel Sweeper" is quick and easy...GOogle it, great alternative.

    1. joeh,
      That was a revolting image wasn't it? Thanks for the tip about the Swivel. I will check it out. It is definitely in my price range.

  5. Like you I haven't found the extra 300 disposable bucks to spend on one, I would hate to take the job away from our four legged one though, she does take this job seriously.

    1. Jimmy,
      You make a good point about robotics replacing our in house crumb chasers. Yours must be like mine and is dedicated.

  6. NOPE---- I don't have one of those gadgets either and I don't have a doggie to eat up the crumbs... Guess I'm not much of a housecleaner either since I don't vacuum that much... I am a picker-upper --but not a heavy-duty housecleaner.... Oh Well... Hope I don't end up in Hell either since cleaning it up would be my job for sure... Hope I go to Heaven and have a huge flower garden to keep pretty!!!!!!


    1. Betsy,
      Yes, I can see you and George tending the gardens up there. I have no doubt you will do just that.

  7. I know someone who had one of these and one day their dog had a poopy accident and this device spent all day smearing it over every floor surface. Just saying.

    1. Stephen,
      Yikes, you are the second to mention this possibility. Hum, I am losing some of my ardor.

  8. Yes, your vacuum is better.
    I agree with joeh. Roomba is more of a toy.
    I am too frugal to buy a Roomba. My Roomba was rescued from my DIL's donating pile. It has lots of nooks and crannies for hair(especially long hair to tangle).

    It has a tiny pouch need to be cleaned/dumped every time it is used.
    It only suck up small crumbs not medium ones...could be the battery is old
    My son has a newer model...the one that would go back to the charging station. He offered to give to me...I don't need another Roomba. He would not sell it saying it worth less than $50, not worth his time.

    1. DDD,
      This was what I was looking for. Reviews that let me know the cons. What with smearing poop and tangling hair, I am really becoming more content with what I have. Thanks.

  9. I didn't pay $300 for whatever I got, but the principle was the same. I hated the danged thing. It constantly was getting itself stuck in corners or under bookcases, and it scared the cat to death. It was more trouble than it was worth, that's for sure.

    I gave mine to a friend who also hated it. She passed it on to her mother, who gave it to Goodwill. I can haul out the vacuum and be done in twenty minutes, and do a better job.

    I agree with the toy-not-tool perspective.

    1. shoreacres,
      Again, I am so grateful for these honest reviews from actual owners. I am feeling so much better now for not having parted with $300 for a stuck toy. Thank you.

  10. I don't have a Roomba or a doggie, but I do have a husband who vacuums! I hate vacuuming also. I am always tripping over the dang thing.

    1. Linda R,
      Lucky you. A helpful hubby is much better than a robotic sweeper with a ton of flaws. I think all men should take up the vacuuming chore. It is a power tool after all:))

  11. No Roomba, 4-legged or otherwise. But I love my swiffer for my hardwood floors. For the carpets, I'm stuck with the onerous task of vacuuming. Why is it we hate to vacuum? Maybe because it is noisy, and because we know that we'll need to do it again before you know it!

    1. Carole,
      I really don't know any women who love to vacuum and a lot of it is the reasons you mentioned. A really smart person will invent a vacuum that we will love. Light, floats and will put itself away. I'd part with the extra bucks for one of those.

  12. Odd but my 4 legged cat makes crumbs. Highly unusual for a feline. After watching a market research show that tested 4 models including the iropot one any learning that none really reach corners or do well along baseboards I shall remain with the trusted stick vaccum for small jobs and cetral for the bigger cieanups. Hubby bought a upright Dysn but it is far too heavy for me. I let my biweekly cleaning crew manage that ine. I have to have the help as Buddy's skin makes more of mess and my visin is

    1. Heidrun,
      Maybe I need to get a stick, cordless one for quick pick ups also and leave the monster for when I want to be more serious.
      Sounds like a plan.

  13. Dear Arkansas Patti, I don't have or want one of those little cleaning items. But I have to tell you that I share your dislike of vacuuming. The three cats shed a lot--A LOT--but now that my Glaucoma is so bad, everything is pretty blurry for me, so I don't really see much of what's on the carpet. Visitors do!!! Peace.

  14. Dee,
    I know what you mean about the eyesight. As mine has aged, I have noticed that my housecleaning skills have also diminished. Hey, if I can't see it, it isn't there right? I have to make sure I only invite visitors who are also impaired. So glad you are back blogging.

  15. You might enjoy this old post of mine!!

    1. Fran,
      Thank you for the neat link. Don't know how I missed that one. I agree with you, an Olivia sounds perfect.

  16. With Golden Retrievers in the house I never gave a thought to the robotic vacuum cleaners. I know they could never keep up with all that long hair. So when I needed a new vacuum for upstairs I fell for the advertising and bought a Dyson. What they fail to tell you is that it's a rather expensive piece of plastic junk that requires high maintenance for cleaning the filters, etc. I have hated it since I bought it. We've had a Riccar for more than ten years and it works perfectly so I decided to buy another for upstairs to replace the Dyson junk. And I love, love, love it. It's just as great as the old one still in use downstairs, but much more handy. I cannot say enough positive things about it.

    I'm sure there is a place for the robotic ones. But homes with lots of dog hair might not be the right place. And, as other readers have mentioned, it seems not to recognize liquid messes.

    1. Carolyn,
      Pet hair makes a difference. Glad to hear the review on Dyson. I wondered if it was worth the expense. I've never heard of a Riccar. I will go check it out. Thanks.

  17. Oh, yes I have one of those 4 legged Roombas. He doesn't seem to like dust and hair though so unfortunately I have to still vacuum now and then. Hugs

  18. Maggie,
    Too bad we can feed the cat something to make their hair tasty and digestible. Guess we are both stuck with vacuuming.

  19. My kids bought me one for Christmas 2 years ago and I love it!!! I no longer have pets but judging from what she picks up, I have plenty of dust and dirt. I've never have any trouble with it getting stuck but my floors don't have a lot of clutter on them and my home is mainly hardwood- I do have 2 carpeted bedrooms and she (I call mine ruby) has no problem with them. If she broke, I'd go right out and replace her. Great invention and you don't have to be home to run it!

    1. Nan,
      Ok, now I am getting enthused again. So good to hear a positive review. You have me leaning towards getting one again. Thanks.

  20. Our GSD Lily (German Shedding Dog) handles the job just fine. Except for the piles of dog hair all over...:)

    1. TB,
      Yep, those GSDs do shed but they are so pretty they are easy to forgive. Glad she is doing her part with the crumb patrol:)

  21. My friends have one and they love it. I have to do with my Samson, who not only eats the crumbs, but has been known to eat up a bit of the carpet as well.

    1. Inger,
      Good to hear another positive review. I am getting more encouraged. Goodness, didn't know Samson was a carpet cruncher.

  22. I don't have one but a granddaughter and one son does. It kind of gives me the willies as it wanders around ... I always feel it's coming after me !

    1. Ginnie,
      Ha ha, I hadn't thought about that. Guess it could look a bit eerie.

  23. Hi Patti, I don't have one and after reading some of the comments I think I'll just stick to pushing the vacuum! What I'd really love to have is a cleaning person who comes in once a week. Sigh. As if I'd ever get DH to agree to that!

    1. Cheryl,
      ME TOO!!! First thing after winning the Lotto is to hire a cleaning lady. I had one once and it was the best two years of my life.

  24. They're not so wonderful. They still have to emptied, taken apart and cleaned. bahh The dog barks at it and it drives me nuts. I mostly use the dog to clean up the floor.... like Callie or the old fashion dust mop that I have to take outside and shake. (I don't have any carpet in the house) In fact, I rarely use the roomba. I don't think they are such a big deal. Mine sits in the garage but I do use it to dust the dance floor. LOL
    I'm so old fashion and I know I'm the only one in my neighborhood who appears on the outside stepm shaking a dust mop. My young neighbors don't even know what it is. Hahaha

    1. Belva,
      I'll say one thing. There is no middle ground with the Roomba. Either love or loath. Boy did you bring back memories with the shaking mop. Sure do remember those days. You go girl.

  25. I got a roomba for Christmas. I thought it would be a wonderful cat hair picker upper. I guess it is good for hair, but it does not have good suction- more of a sweeping effort. So I only use it about once a week. It is much a pain to clean out the bin and brush off the little filter that is in the bin. So- I say you are lucky to have a pup who will pick up your crumbs for you. :)

  26. Two friends of mine have one and LOVE it. I've mentioned it to Art and he refuses to get one. Ah well... Since he does the vacuuming, what can I say?


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