Monday, October 1, 2018


When most of you take a trip you go somewhere exciting, exotic or at least to see some dear family members. I only went 5 feet one inch as that is my height. The trip was really quick and my landing was one point. Yep, landed right on my nose. A total face plant.

Now some of you ladies have enough cushioning in the breast area that even if you fall face forward, you actually bounce a little if you land on your boobs. I did not bounce.  There is only one person I know who is less endowed than me and that is Kelly Ripa.  Boy do I admire how she proudly puts those tiny puppies out there for all to see. No flowing blouses, over shirts or surgery.   She is what she is and is comfortable with it.

Anyway, I was stepping up on my porch when I didn't lift my trail foot high enough and SPLAT.  Oh it hurt a bunch and I may have said a few bad words but I was able to check to make sure my nose wasn't broken. I smiled.  Well it may have been more of a grimace. You see if you have broken your nose, you really can't smile for quite a while. That really makes it hurt.

I had broken my nose twice before in my life time, all friendly fire. Once a friend was playfully pushed off a pier and since I was still in the water, I caught her elbow right on the nose. The second time was at my sisters wedding when my dance partner was swinging me around and his hand caught me right on the beezer.  I'd had a few? drinks so I didn't even know I had broken till the next day when sober me tried to smile.  See Judge Kavanaugh, alcohol hides a lot of things.

This time my poor beak swelled up, eyes blackened and since I am on blood thinners, I had bruising on my cheeks that basically looked like purple smudges  that ran from my eyes to my upper lip. I should have taken a picture but I didn't. I would have made a great poster child for elder abuse. I kept my head down on my outings and wore sunglasses.   Now you can't tell anything happened.

Any time I hit my nose I kind of hope at least I straighten it out. It has listed to the right for years.  Nope it didn't straighten out.  I do think I may have gotten a mild concussion though for I had headaches for a week and a bit of brain fog. Anyway, I am fine now, discoloring is gone and I can smile easily. And yes, I am very conscious of each step I take.

Have you noticed that you have more close calls for falling now days than you ever had? I do believe Yoga might help with my balance and remembering to pick up my feet is paramount. Getting older is a lot more work and things you use to do automatically now require conscious effort. Sigh.

Happy October one.


  1. So glad you're all right now! Most of my falls have been "up" falls like yours, stepping up one step, or one really embarrassing trip in the middle of a staircase in the public library. And I was only 30 something at the time.

    1. Marty,
      Thank you. I am glad I am not the only one with an up fall. Yours certainly wasn't age related.

  2. Yes, I fall frequently, so I know it pays to be careful. I tripped when I twisted my ankle just a couple of weeks ago. The pants have yet another hole in the knee area, but now the knee has got a scab to join the others. Glad there wasn't worse damage. Please be careful, Patti. You are valuable property! :-)

    1. Djan,
      Aww, thank you so much. Seems I also got a scabby knee and elbow so I guess it was a three point landing. Lets both be careful.

  3. I've never broken my nose. Not fun! I'm just glad you didn't get more seriously hurt, but a mild concussion is no picnic. As we age, falls are more serious than when we were young. Things break easier and fewer people are around to see it happen.

    1. Jean,
      Thank you--me too. Actually I was glad no one saw it. Kind of embarrassing. We no longer bounce do we?

  4. OMG I am glad you are okay. I loved how you were able to weave kavaughn in there. Clever you!
    Yoga (gentle yoga) did me a world of good until I tore my meniscus in class. Then I was down for the count. I want to go back and now the class was moved to another town., But it did help a plethora of things. Be careful on those nasty steps.

    1. Peggy,
      Thank you and I thought it fit about Brett--kind of. Goodness, didn't know Yoga was so dangerous. Maybe I can find a gentle class.

  5. oh stars......I'm glad you're better but sheesh. Yes, I agree, getting older requires constant monitoring of movement. But we gotta keep on keeping on. xoxo Oma Linda

    1. Oma Linda,
      Thank you. It really does take more concentration after a certain age. I guess we should be grateful that we made it this far.

  6. You were lucky you didn't break anything. I can't decide whether it's me not picking my feet up or not noticing the uneven surface. Either way I end up on the floor.

    1. Fun60.
      Doesn't the trip down go quick? I had a friend how swore she could trip on pavement. I may start marching like a band member.

  7. Patti!!! I am so sorry you fell and bruised yourself like that. My twin brother took a fall two months ago and is still dealing with post concussion syndrome. It is no picnic. He gets dizzy so often now and is quite bummed out about it. I broke my nose in a car accident in 1977. I hit the windshield when someone pulled out of a parking lot and smacked us hard on the passenger side where I was sitting. BOOM! I hope there are no more falls in your future, Patti. Take care and be well!

    1. robin,
      I sure plan to be extra careful, thank you. So sorry your twin is still having after effects. That must be maddening. So far, I haven't had any after that first week.

  8. Oh, so sorry to hear about your fall. It is such a frightening thing as we get up and check ourselves to see if anything is broken. My last fall was flat on the bathroom tile, right on my nose and knees. I fell because I forgot how low my hemoglobin was and stood up quickly and turned around. Because of my low platelet count from chemo, the nose bled and bled as did both knees. Fortunately, nothing was broken. I was more angry at myself than anything. I knew better than to rush.

    1. Carolyn,
      Yikes that fall you took sounded like a doozy. Me too on the nose bleed on count of the blood thinners I am on. I was able to stop it in about 5 minutes. Know how you felt being angry. That was my first reaction as I hit the floor. What cussing I did was directed towards me.

  9. Oh no! I hope you are feeling better now. Yes, I have come to realize it takes a concentrated effort to keep ourselves in decent shape as we age. I am easily distracted and that doesn't help! Please be careful!

    1. Bonnie,
      Thanks and I agree. So far I am giving it serious effort and hope it becomes a habit.

  10. I've never broken my nose, just one leg, 2 arms & numerous toes!!

    1. Fran,
      Hope you can make it with nose intact. I have broken several bones and that hurts the worst.

  11. Patti, so sorry about your fall. Yes, we have to be careful as we age... as falls can have disasterous effects. I don't fall much (once on a just mopped area in a hotel - didn't break anything, but sure made me sore for a long time). What I do do lately is 'drop things'... this is new. Does it come with age too?

    1. Rian,
      Thank you. Don't know about dropping things but I am sure that is just around the corner. We can't say aging is boring.

  12. Since I moved just recently, I have found that I have been tripping (but not falling yet) over the new sidewalks while walking the dogs. I threw up my left arm (I guess I thought I was going to fly) which is my bad shoulder and it really caused a pain. Still aches a little but I'm not on blood thinners so no black eye or black shoulder, in my case.

    1. Barbara,
      You still have enough youth that you can recover from a trip. I use to be able to, now it is just a straight shot to the ground. I have one of those bad shoulders also. A real pain.

  13. Falling is not fun, and having to walk around purple faced is even worse. I'm glad the fog has lifted and the colors have faded.
    Yes, I am very aware of falling these days.

    1. Linda,
      Yes the purple face is hard to deal with. People assume the worst that someone has done it to you. Thanks, back to normal for now.

  14. Well, that’s a fine how de do! I’ll forego my lecture on the importance of staying on your feet just as soon as I get up off the floor. I must confess, I’m not actually on the floor but recognize in recent years I’m more susceptible to such gymnastics. Glad you’ve recovered from all the bruising and didn’t break anything — you know — furniture, dishes or bones. Do avoid such shenanigans in the future.

    1. Joared,
      "that’s a fine how de do". That is a delightful saying that I haven't heard in a while and I think I'll put it back in my vocabulary. It says a lot in a few words. Yes, I am grateful nothing broke though my pride took a wallop.

  15. Now sweet Patti that is not the kind of trip you need to be taking. Glad you were not injured more seriously and you have recovered from the fall. I have fallen a few times and the last two I had to have surgery. I try very hard to pick up my feet and watch my step carefully, but still I catch myself almost falling from time to time. At our age we really need to be extra careful where and how we plant or not plant our feet. No more trips like that one...okay? Hugs

    1. Maggie,
      So sorry your trips required surgery. That is no fun. And yes, we really do need to be aware of our surroundings and where we put our feet. Thanks, hope we both remain upright.

    2. Me too I think we both have learned that falling is no fun.

  16. I'm one of those fortunate ones who have a little padding so when I fall, I bounce a little. That said, remember this. Even though they tell us many people over 65 will fall this year, I can guarantee you that almost every single person under one year old has fallen in the process of learning to walk in the same time frame.

    1. Snickelfritz,
      Be grateful for the padding. At least when a toddler falls, it is a short fall and well padded.

  17. I don't take much notice of my balance in day to day things, but I am a lot more careful these days when climbing down off ladders or anything else I might be up on.

    1. River,
      Smart. Bad enough to fall just your own height but ladders add serious complications. Be careful.

  18. yikes! Glad you are okay! I missed a step, fell, broke my nose a couple of years ago. I truly understand your pain!

    1. Silver Willow,
      So sorry about your broken nose. Boy is the nose sensitive and yes, it really hurts.

  19. You have raised a matter for which I have great concern. These days if I am not falling or tripping, I am dropping. You would think I would be skinny for all the bending over I have to do to pick things up...especially my pills. I have to be fast before the pups get them.

    1. Annie,
      I understand about those dropped pills and pets. I am terrified my dog might snarf up some Warfarin. It isn't called rat poison for nothing.

  20. Dear Patti, I so agree with you about the "conscious effort" necessary as we age. I've always wanted to practice living in the moment--in the present. But my mind, as I wander about my house and outside, always seems to be on what I'm planning to do.

    But now that my balance has been so badly affected by vision concerns and Meniere's Disease, I find that, like you, I must be conscious of my next footstep and so I'm now much more living in the present!!!!! So I guess that shows that all works out to good. But oh, it's hard sometimes finding the good! Peace.

    1. Dee,
      You make a good point. It is not bad to be aware of the simple things for it does keep us in the present.

  21. I was thinking about your question. When I go upstairs now, my legs don't lift as high as they used to. The round tummy hits the leg lymphedema, and I trip going up stairs. Then again, the stair height has changed too. :)

  22. You make light of it … almost like a lark but I know it must have hurt like you know what. Yes, my balance is nowhere as sure as it used to be … another joy of aging ! Stay safe.

  23. Oh goodness, Patti! You had the same kind of fall as me! I did the same thing going up the stairs, but I fractured my humerus, of course. Sigh. And yes, I’m getting a lot more close calls these days. Scary.

  24. Not having great vision leads to all sorts of close calls. But some shoe bottoms are worse as one can easily slip on certain surfaces and that happened to me twice while shopping. One fall caused my right wrist to fracture. Another just put out my back and right hip. I once had a broken Bose from punch from a drunk.That was long ago.
