Monday, October 28, 2019


I was sitting on the couch when Minnie the cat walked from the bedroom towards me. Each step she took was accompanied by a plaintive "meow." She  often tends to talk when she walks. She never took her eyes off me and stopped short a few feet away but still meowing.

"What?" I asked her.
"Meow" again.
"Whaaaaat?" I again asked drawing out the the question.

She blinked, then closed her eyes tight and broke out in a huge yawn.

I started to laugh but before I could ask her if I were boring her, I had to yawn also.

It is so hard to see a yawn and not respond in kind, even from a cat. A lot of humans seem to have this reaction to witnessing a yawn. It can be another human but we also tend to respond to animals that enjoy long drawn out yawns.

I use to have a chihuahua that would climb on my chest each morning.  I would look her in the face and yawn. Every time she would yawn back but sadly she would sometimes spit a bit when she did so it wasn't as much fun for me. But that proved the reaction can go both ways.

I just tried to find a picture of a really good yawn and of course Google had a ton of them. I almost dislocated my jaw I yawned so much looking at them.   Didn't find any I felt I could use so I tried to make my pets yawn to get my own picture.  Yes I did get them to yawn mimicking me, three times in fact with each pet.  All I ended up with was pictures just after the yawn.  Danged old reflexes.

This is a short youtube video of cute kittens yawning.

Yikes, now I can't stop. I think I need a nap.

Can you see a yawn without responding with one of your own?
Are you yawning now??


  1. And right on cue I yawned - but then it's nearly 9pm here and I've been on the go all day :)

    1. Cathy,
      Welcome to TNS and thank you for commenting. If it is 9pm there you must be from another part of the world. Even bigger welcome.

    2. I'm down in Melbourne (Australia). You're welcome to pop over to my blog and see what I'm getting up to. I've enjoyed yours for quite a while now, see many of my 'friends' do also....but have never commented. Always a first time they say:)

  2. Oh yes, big time contagious! Especially when a horse jawns in their overly dramatic way! Otherwise, I rarely jawn in my own. Bizarre phenomena!

    1. Out to Pasture,
      Isn't that the truth. Of all the animals I have seen yawn, none seem to enjoy it as much as a horse.

  3. If I yawn it's so automatic, I don't know I'm doing it. The dog, on the other hand, does it on purpose in his effort to talk which he thinks he's doing.

    1. Jean,
      I have seen a dog yawn and talk at the same time. Callie is famous for that. Very comical.

  4. No, I didn't yawn after reading this, but I recently woke from a nine-hour sleep. It is contagious, though, I agree! :-)

    1. Djan,
      Nine hour sleep??? You are a sleep super hero. Wow.

  5. This didn't make me yawn but it sure made me smile :) I know (from lots of personal experience) how contagious it is with people, I didn't know we could affect pets & vice versa!

    1. Doug,
      So glad I could amuse you. It is common for both pets and humans though I find it harder to resist a human yawn.

  6. -grin- An interesting similarity, between humans and animals. How about that.....?!?

    🔥 🏡 📚 🔥

    1. wisps of words,
      We may have bigger brains and those thumb thingies but we are all pretty much susceptible to a good yawn.

  7. Our Misskitty walks through the greatroom screaming "Mama...Mama...MAAAMAAAA...hungry now!!"

    1. BlueRidge Boomer,
      We both have talking cats. At least yours is specific in her demands. Mine I have to guess.

  8. The power of suggestion. I'm gonna have to test this out on Isaiah. I know it works with Bud. LOL

    Cute video.

    1. Anni,
      That is funny about Bud and I think you will be surprised about Isaiah.

  9. Replies
    1. Peggy,
      Let's see. Was that suggestion or did I thoroughly bore you:))That's OK, I'm going with suggestion.

  10. Yes, I'm yawning now, how funny.And miss my cats as well.

    1. Inger,
      Good thing you have such great dogs to amuse you. Try it on Samson and Faith. Think you will be surprised.

  11. Took half way through the cat video, but then it got me too.

    1. joeh,
      Ha ha. That shows you do have some resistance.

  12. Strange … I nodded off reading your post … yawning cats seem to have that effect on me ... who would have known that except you !!

    1. Ginnie,
      Ha ha, was it the yawn or was I boring you:))
      Those kitties sure were cute and yawn worthy.

  13. Yes, those kitten yawns were contagious.

    1. Olga,
      What is cuter than sleepy kittens--not much.

  14. The kittens are so adorable. Yes, I can see someone yawn (or kittens) and not feel the need to yawn.

    1. Eileen,
      You are so much stronger than I to suggestion.

  15. The kittens did not make me yawn, but I know yawns can be contagious.

    1. Linda
      When I see a big event televised and someone in the crowd is caught yawning, I wonder just how far that yawn spreads.

  16. I yawned the minute I read "yawn" here and now I'm still yawning. Not sleeping well last night might have something to do with that. I'll have a nap now.

    1. River,
      Oh good you are like me and easily influenced by the gaping mouth.

  17. Like River above, I actually yawned while reading your post. Just the suggestion of it did it for me. And yup... I just did it again!

    1. Kay,
      So glad to find others as easy as I am. I am yawning answering these comments.

  18. Seeing pictures of kittens makes me want a cat! I'm seriously thinking of taking the jump.

    1. Snickelfritz,
      Yes--take that jump. You will open your life to fun and a warm lap.

  19. Dear Patti, yes, yawning right now as I type! So glad you, too, love cats and kittens. For 47 years they have been a blessing in my life--starting with Dulcy and now I'm living with Maggie, Matthew, and Ellie! They are the soul of my home. Peace.

    1. Dee,
      I know how you feel. I have struggled to write and comment without yawning. I have not succeeded. So glad you have 3 to make your life more fun.

  20. I yawn just reading about yawning. Did you know that a smile works the same way? Sometimes I'm so happy because I think perfect strangers are smiling at me, and then I realize I'm smiling at them first, and they're just returning it. Also, the foxes that visit me often stop and close their eyes and yawn deeply. I always wonder if they're trying to be nonchalant or telling me that they're no danger to me.

    1. Barb,
      Yep, I did know that about smiling. All you have to do is make eye contact with me and I smile.
      Don't foxes do the greatest yawns?

  21. Replies
    1. Mage,
      Yes, that is how is should be. Means you are empathetic.

  22. I guess I;m not much of a yawner. I lay down and fall asleep almost immediately.,,
    Thanks for you very kind comment Patti. ray

  23. I cannot. I am a mirror yawner for sure. I had to laugh at your cat. I talk to mine the same way. Mine is a bossy boss. Time to go to bed, time to get up, time to give her extra food, time to announce she has just eaten...oy vey.

  24. What a fun post sweet Patti. Sometimes I do yawn when I see someone else yawn. I have never yawned after seeing Chancy yawn that I remember...a may just put that to the test. lol Hope you are doing well. Hugs
