A couple of years ago Callie went berserk when she met my friend Arliss. Arliss came in, sat on the sofa and then Callie took over. She put her front paws on Arliss's knees, stood on her hind legs to get inches from Arliss's face and then Callie talked. I don't mean barked, snuffled or whined. She flat out talked right in my friend's face. It was almost desperate how hard she was trying to get Arliss to understand. On and on it went.
Arliss was wide eyed and just stroked Callie's head as the dog babbled incessantly. Finally I put Callie outside to give Arliss a break. I was half ways thinking she and Arliss knew eachother from another life. The odd thing is that a week later, Arliss was in the hospital with emergency surgery. Did Callie sense something was wrong? The next time they met, Callie was a calm and normal dog. Can she sense illness?
That was one power I suspected she had but I recently noticed she may have another. Callie has a real problem with me being on the phone. I swear she just doesn't like to hear my voice. Before I can pick up the phone, she is at the door frantically dancing to be let out which I always do.
Then one day I noticed something strange. I never answer the phone if I don't know the number so I don't have to put up with robo or crank calls. Recently I noticed that Callie doesn't run for the door when a robo call comes in. She would rarely even raise her head off the bed. How does she know it is not someone I will be talking to? I don't know till I check Caller ID that I am not going to answer the phone. Does the robo ring have a different tone that only a dog can hear? Again, my dog has super powers. Sadly I can't think of a way to monetize her talents.
Never had a dog with super senses but have heard many anecdotes of people who have. Also, Callie is super cute!
DeleteYou might have and just not noticed like I did with the phone calls. Sometimes the super powers are subtle.
Thanks, I kind of like her.
Awwww, her face melts the heart!! I honestly think all animals have super powers we humans will never have. She's a sweety.
DeleteShe does mine anyway. They do have much sharper senses than us like hearing and smell. Why not insight?
A lovely dog, and she even LOOKS like she's wise. I think if we knew how smart our dogs are, we wouldn't believe it!
DeleteThink you are right. There are ways she surprises me daily. She can tell time, knows exactly what I am wearing whether or not she is going to get to go. The list goes on.
Many dogs do have the ability to sense illness. There are researchers studying and training dogs to do things like smell cancer. I have no doubt Cally was trying to tell warn your friend.
DeleteI totally believe that. It was something she had never done before or since. I hear they are trying to train them to spot Covid.
Gosh darn it, this really hit my Emotion button and put a lump in my throat. I think it's going to be a long time before we really know what dogs can sense or smell, Patti. In the meantime, you & Callie are very lucky to have one another. She's a beauty inside & out. :^) PS. Hope Minnie is hanging in there!
DeleteThanks for the inquiry about Minnie. She says, "Thanks for asking. Am doing OK for a 17 year old."
As for Callie, I totally believe she knew something was wrong with Arliss. She has never done that with anyone.
I think many animals have senses we don't have. Probably Callie knew something was wrong and was trying to tell your friend about it. Too bad we can't have conversations with our furry friends.
DeleteI have no doubt she was trying to warn my friend. I have never heard her make noises like that. It was not typical dog noise and she tried so hard.
Callie sounds so adorable! I just love your description of her. Dogs can sense things that humans cannot. Your dog seems extraordinarily intelligent and sensitive.
DeleteShe really is special. I often say I could probably teach her how to play chess, if I knew how:(
I'm sure your Callie senses things that humans don't.
ReplyDeleteMy husband used to work nights. Our Fuzzy Pomeranian was much younger then. I was sick and had fever that evening and fell asleep in the recliner. I woke up to Fuzzy pawing at my thigh as he stood on his hind legs at the seat corner of my chair pawing and pawing on me for I don't know how long. As I woke up I was shaking so hard all over my body, not chills, but very hard shaking. I came out of it because of Fuzzy pawing at my thigh like he was. He had never done that before and hasn't since. I don't know what was causing that hard shaking like that, but Fuzzy must have been very worried about what was happening. He has never been one to beg or fuss about sitting on our laps, but has always waited to be picked up.
He also notices when I take antibiotics. He used to continually sniff my legs if I was taking them. If my legs were exposed he would lick them. He is not normally a very lick-y dog. He is 17 years old and has several serious health problems now, so he no longer seems to notice antibiotics when I take them.
DeleteYour Fuzzy sounds like he really knew something was wrong and tried desperately to wake you up. Amazing. We definitely under use these marvelous creatures.
I am so sorry age is affecting him. That is so hard for us to take.
I love Callie's superpowers. I've read about dogs sensing illness in people. She is quite a little furry companion to have there.
DeleteI know they can be trained to warn people of dangerous health conditions. So if they can be trained, they all ready sense them.
What a pretty girl Callie is! And smart too.
DeleteThanks. It is nice to hear from others for I all ready think she is special and know I could be biased.
Just enjoy.
DeleteThanks, I think that is the smart thing to do.
I've read that animals (mainly cats and dogs) are very perceptive of illness, so this doesn't surprise me. If my cat gets unusually friendly, I will WORRY. :)
DeleteHa ha, that is funny. My cat has really been needy these days. Maybe I should worry too.
She does have some super powers and she is super cute too.Now if she can figure out how to stop the spam callers. :)
DeleteI think once I get more confident in that, I will learn to not even get up for the robo freaks and trust her:)
You should just be grateful. That is a lovely little dog you have.
DeleteThanks and point well taken. Gratitude it is.
So cute. I believe that some really strange things are possible but I have to say, I'm glad she's your dog and not mine. I'm afraid of ghosts and disease-detecting dogs.
DeleteIt is a little spooky. She knows stuff. If you are afraid of ghosts, you might want to skip my next post.
I'm not surprised Callie knew your friend was ill, dogs have a much keener sense of smell and illness can alter your regular body odour. Years ago, one of my own friends smelled strange and I thought "she's dying" and she did about six months later, from ovarian cancer. I can't explain about the robo calls though, only Callie knows that secret.
DeleteWow, you have the super power also. Amazing and I imagine a little scary.
I still think the robo calls have a slightly different ring that we humans can't catch.
oh she's lived before. I believe all of this. She smelled disease for certain. But I am curious as to how the hell she knows you aren't going to pick up for those spam calls. Callie, you are more than special!
DeleteI know, I was ready to accept her sensing disease as a normal doggy talent but the phone and robo calls has me labeling her "Super Dog".
Dogs are amazing. Not sure how you monetize her talent but your story here does prompt me to finish up a blog post I’ve been needing to finish for future publishing, eventually. I’d love to have a dog again but it would probably outlive me and I think if I got an older dog I might have the pet’s aging ailments with vet visits to deal with. Maybe in my next life.
DeleteI understand your hesitancy. I felt the same way when Callie came into my life. I really only meant to foster here till a forever home could be found but she talked me into adoption. I do worry about her outliving me since my back up is now having her own health problems. Guess I'll just keep taking my vitamin pills and hope for the best.
Recently one of my sons had surgery and when he came home he was bid-ridden for over a week. His well loved dog, Rita, would not leave his side although she was known for being a "rover". Hmmmmm...
DeleteI do believe they can sense our health, both physical and mental. I have never had an animal that wasn't super sweet when I felt poorly.
Super blog
DeleteThank you so much for stopping by and commenting.
Amazing! I have had pets that were super loving and with peculiar quirks but never like Callie's.
DeleteI can attribute a lot of her quirks to regular doggy ones but the robo calls still has me puzzled. She saved me going to the phone to check twice today.
Callie definitely has super powers - be grateful and tune in to her! My friend's dog was an Australian Shepherd and my best dog friend. I went along to pick her out of the litter. I swear she could understand me when I talked to her. Her eyes never left my face. After my heart attack, my friend didn't contact me for awhile. When she did she had bad news that she didn't want to share with me. My dear dog friend died of a heart attack the day after I had mine. She was in her prime and not ill. To this day, I think she took my heart attack so I could live.
DeleteWOW, that gave me chills and brought a tear to my eye. You very well could be right.
This reminds me of the book, The Art of Racing in the Rain. I have heard many times that dogs can sense things. I've also heard that dogs are now being trained to recognize COVID. It's really remarkable. I think you have to really pay attention to Callie. If she starts talking to you, definitely get yourself to the doctor. Wow!
DeleteWasn't that a good book? Don't worry, if she gets in my face and talks, I'm off to the doc:)
It was definitely a fabulous book. It was better than the movie though... although I did like the movie (just not as much as the book).
DeleteThis is an amazing science fiction post. I truly believe our pets can sense our illnesses. We need to pay attention.
DeleteI do believe they can sense things we can't