Somethings I am a little OCD about. My 4 pair of eyeglasses of different strengths each have their own caddy in the room I use them. One by my Kindle on the night stand, one by my computer and two on my coffee table. I am faithful each time I use them to return them to the proper caddy.
I have a clip attached to my purse strap. When ever my car keys are not in the ignition, they are clipped to my purse. Now if I lose my purse, I have a problem but so far so good. My purse is always hanging from a hook in my bedroom or from me.
In the winter I like to wear gloves driving. I have cold hands to go with my warm heart. The gloves I love are Isotoner (spandex gloves that really fit comfortably). They are quite old but still fairly fashionable. I have a black pair and a brown pair. When I come in from outside, they immediately come off my hands and are placed by the phone on the kitchen counter.
Ok for glasses, keys and gloves, I am annoyingly consistent. So when I went to leave the house to go to town the other day, I reached for my black gloves and they were gone. WHAT?? My brown ones are usually in the car as back ups but I wanted the in the house warm ones.
I couldn't believe they weren't where they always are. The hunt started with me growling with each step.
Not in the car, not in my jacket, not in the end of season glove drawer. Thinking I may have left them at the last store I was in, I drove to town to check their lost and found box. Interesting stuff there (would you believe a dog collar) but not my gloves. After all the fruitless searches, I gave up and Googled to see if I could buy another pair. I wasn't pleased with the choices.
Then as I was walking aimlessly around the house wringing my gloveless hands, for some reason I noticed Minnie seemed perplexed about her water dish. Closer look showed there was something sticking out of the water. Damn Sam, it was my gloves. The large water dispenser was right under the counter where I normally put my gloves. I had either dropped them in her water instead of on the counter or somehow knocked them off the counter without knowing.
Now you see with my attitude, why I am so OCD about where I put things. I'm not well:)
Are you OCD about not losing things or do you enjoy the hunt? Actually all the running around hunting is pretty good exercise. Right Mage?
If I have OCD I'm not aware. But Bud is. When we were first married, at night, he'd take his socks off. And FOLD them. Every friggin' night. They would have to be stop his shoes too. One night after he fell asleep, I got up and tied his socks in knots.
ReplyDeleteWhat a rascal you are:) That is too funny and evidently wasn't a deal breaker since you are still married:)
I'm so glad you found them. I used to have a pair and they were great, but I've since moved onto to warmer ones. Poor confused pooch!
DeleteYep, they aren't too good for serious outdoor cold but for driving in a heated vehicle, they are stellar.
She really was put off by the new item in her water:)
Wallet and eys all always go in the same place. If I need to remember something the keys go in the ice/ water tray on the frig so if keys are not in their place I go right to the fridge where I am also reminded of what I need to bring. Glasses all have their place, readers and regular on each floor. Before I leave the house I pat my pockets to check I have wallet, keys and glasses. If I can not find my phone I look all over and then remember it is in a charger. Is that OCD?
DeleteYep, you qualify just enough to join the club. We set the bar low. You do make me glad though that I don't have a smart phone. No cell service here.
I'm OCD about a lot of things, gloves, keys and purses included. I have the same Isotoner gloves you have and just this week I thought I lost them. In the winter I keep them in a cup holder in my car when not in use. But recently I thought I lost mine, too. I searched the car a couple of rime before I figured out I had been sitting on them and they blended in so well I didn't see them.
DeleteHow funny. The cup holder is where I keep my brown ones too. Must be Isotoner's week to torment us. At least yours weren't wet.
Oh Patti you had me laughing, not at your loss but how you shared it (haha that dog collar got some thoughts of mine goin'!) ANYWAY YOU TOOK ONE OF MY FUTURE BLOG IDEAS--every time I misplace my glasses, they somehow wind up in the worst possible place they can be (like the seat cushion on my couch). I'm not THAT stupid, I'm convinced I have a ghost or other such entity that enjoys torturing me. :)
DeleteThe dog collar had me thinking of possible scenarios too. It was a BIG one. Poltergeist Doug, it has to be them:) They are insidious, sneaky and clever. Please do that post, I'd love to read it.
People sometimes ask me why I don't wear a watch. My answer: Are you kidding me! With the glasses, the wallet, the keys, the phone, my book, my sweater ... just one more thing to keep track of? Impossible!
DeleteI know, with all our needs and toys, it is hard to keep track. At least your phone will give you the time. I quit wearing one when I retired.
I don't really enjoy the hunt but I love the find. It makes me feel so successful to find these lost and/or misplaced items. It is becoming more of a daily exercise.
DeleteHadn't thought about it but you are so right. The find is really delightful. So much so you want to tell someone or blog about it:)
I am definitely OCD about a lot of things. Everything has to have a schedule... when we're going shopping; what we're having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; laundry day; etc. I gotta have a plan everyday. It's exhausting. LOL. I'm so glad you found your gloves.
DeleteHa ha, maybe you need a secretary or does roger help with that?
I'm definitely not OCD, but things do go missing around here. We blame it on elves or ghosts, whatever, but we know we just unconsciously mislaid them and that they will show up eventually (in some unusual place). I do try to put my purse on the hook in the kitchen and our keys on the hooks in the hall. BTW, there is something you can buy at that you put in your purse and if you've misplaced it, your phone will tell you where it is. (Of course if your phone is in your purse, you have a problem)
DeleteYou and Doug seemed plagued by the same group of gremlins.
As you were mentioning the phone finder gadget, I was ready for your last line:) I gave my boss once a key finder but his wife said he kept losing the gadget.
I don't consider myself OCD, but I do have certain places where I place or keep certain things. I don't like the hunt when something goes missing because I usually realize it when I'm about to do something with said item. And that means I'm in a rush to find it.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found your gloves!
DeleteI know, when we know they are missing is when we want to use them. Frustrating.
I have certain pockets in my purse for important items but sometimes get busy and stick stuff in the pocket of the jacket I'm wearing. Then I have to trust my memory to locate which coat/sweatshirt I was wearing when I last had the item. It's exhausting!
DeleteThat was my first thought also. I went through the closet but no luck. I still haven't unlocked my memory as to how the gloves ended up in the water dish.
I think you know the answer from me to that question. If only the person I lived with had some of this Patti. It helps to live without someone who is also OCD or a bit OCD. My roommate is not one bit ocd, just the opposite. But yea for Minnie giving you hints. But Patti it is still better than looking for your glasses that were on ones head for 1 hour!
DeleteHa ha, you know I did look at my hands first to make sure I wasn't all ready wearing them:) Too bad there isn't a pill to cause OCD. You could get Rick a supply.
My mantra is "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Unfortunately, the better half's mantra is the opposite, "never put anything down in the same place twice"! Only this morning I was threatening to staple his eyeglasses to his forehead because he had mislaid them yet again!
DeleteOuch, how about tape?:) You and Peg have married into the same situation. There are all kinds of therapies to cure OCD but sadly none to cause it. Have faith, science may come through for you.
I have a hook for my keys. You must have a strong hook to hold your purse. Nightstand items and the always open drawer of eye drops are in the always open drawer exactly as I use them. Ear drops never go in the eye drops drawer. I put eye drops in my ears once. The ear doc said it was ok. I have 3 command hooks on my car's dash to hold the 3 different types of masks I use: for socializing, for work, new spares. I have command hooks at my front and back doors for masks, and one new one for any maintenance guys. Bet doggie would play with the glove if it was dry....You're okay and just fine. Sew a magnet into the glove; glue a magnet on the counter. Linda in Kansas
DeleteMe too on the drops. I have a horror of putting ear drops in my eyes. They are in different rooms. Yep, my purse hook would probably hold me. I like how you have the mask set up. May copy that.
Not a bad idea about the magnet. Could be a small one. Thanks.
I am very organized, but sometimes I do make mistakes such as leaving the car keys in the trunk. How dumb! LOL.
DeleteAww, we are all entitled to one slip up. At least they are in the vicinity of where they are needed.
I am usually very organized but lately I have been losing things. I really do hate having to hunt for them.
DeleteIt is frustrating and this was a new venture for me. My OCD usually protects me.
Like you I have lots of glasses and keys are slipped to my purse. My issue is leaving pay card in various pockets when shopping and not always being prompt to,put them in the wallet. Ugh:(
DeleteOh, a pay card would really scare me. So far I haven't had that adventure.
First thing I see when I get in through the front door is a small chest of drawers. The top drawer is keys and gloves. If I don't put these thing in that drawer, they may go anywhere. Except not in Faith's water, I think she would be greatly annoyed and let me know. And what's a command hook, Linda in Kansas mentioned.
DeleteMinnie was annoyed and I am sure she couldn't understand why I left them there for so long.
Command hooks have an adhesive back so you can stick them on a wall and not have to drill a hole.
I do love having everything in their place for just that reason. I thought you were going to say Minnie knocked them off. I've been watching so many cat and dog videos that I now believe them capable of everything.
DeleteI did have her down as a suspect though I have never seen her on that counter before. Pretty sure I am the guilty one. Sigh.
I don't see this as OCD, I see it as being organised and have a place for everything and everything in its place, as our parents and grandparents used to say. I'll never understands people who have to turn out every drawer, every bag, every pocket, just to find the house keys which should be in a bowl near the front door.
DeleteOCD saves those of us not blessed with good organizational skills. Just a few times hunting will be enough for some of us to get obsessive about where we place items.
You are picking on me again. LOL
ReplyDeleteYes, it is, but I'm like you and hate to miss-place something.
DeleteHa ha, I was just remembering you and George hunting that slip cover:)
It drives me crazy when I can't find something. Like you, I have reading glasses everywhere. One by the computer, one by the TV. One on the end table next to the bed and one in the kitchen. I'm glad you found your gloves.
DeleteHa,ha we certainly have enough glasses:) I like single lens when I am doing something. Sounds like you do too.
Dear Patti, I tend to be too disjointed in thought and action to be as organized as you are. I so admire that trait, but my mind is like a pinball machine--zooming hither and yon. Moreover, so frequently I'm not in the present in my thinking. Instead my mind is five minutes ahead--so I don't think of putting my key or gloves here at the moment, instead I'm thinking of getting to the bathroom to relieve myself or hurrying to the sink to get a glass of water because of thirst. If only I could stay in the present, maybe then I could be as organized as you are. With much admiration . . . peace.
DeleteAlways so good to see you here. Like you I usually have something else on my mind when I misplace something. That is why I try so hard. Hate hunting even if it is good exercise.
Bob and I are fairly organized - the big things, keys, glasses, wallets are always in certain places where we can grab and go. However, sometimes I "store" an item, and then when I want to use it again, I don't remember where I put it. I've been looking for days for a piece of pottery that one of our sons made in about 5th grade for Bob (the son is 53 now...). The pottery piece is actually supposed to be Bob wearing skis and a blue ski coat he had in the 70's. I usually keep it on the hearth, but I put it away (somewhere safe!) for the summer. My house is getting even more organized as I tear it apart looking for that piece of pottery.
DeleteOften when I put something in a safe place, it is totally safe from me and I rarely find it till moving day. Wishing you much quicker success:)
I thought of you when I FINALLY found the pottery. It was on the hearth in our bedroom with a plant slightly obscuring it - but in plain sight. I just shook my head....
DeleteHa ha, in plain sight is often the last to notice. Glad you found it and didn't have to move.:))
I am not OCD but I sure can let out a bad word if I lose my bifocal glasses. Luckily I only read in one place & I keep my prescription readers there, but my really expensive bifocals seem to enjoy the challenge and I've been known to call in my kids to help ...
DeleteSo glad you can call on your kids for help. Callie and Minnie are worthless in that respect:)
I've found that if I don't put things back in the place where I've always kept them they will most likely become "lost" to me. That never was much of an issue as it seems to have become in recent years. I don't like wasting my time looking for things but seem not to avoid it sometimes.