Friday, January 10, 2014


Who knew gravel could be slick as ice?  Not this former Florida girl. We had rain plus freezing  temps so when I went out to fill the bird feeders, I was careful not to step on the pavers, knowing they would be slick. So I stepped on the gravel bed and found skates would have worked better.  Down went Patti. 

Ok, I wasn't hurt badly as I landed mostly on my right arm and was well padded against the cold. Nothing nearly as shocking as Linda Reeder's fall. If there is an Gold Metal for falls, she has it locked up.  

My shoulder was a bit sore but it moved freely so I tried to get up. Mercy, even the grass was slick but at least navigable. So I cautiously took what seed hadn't spilled and put it in the bird feeder. 

Then came the problem.  How could I get back on my porch? Every normal approach was impossibly slick. I really didn't want to do the hands and knees solution, I do have my pride. Falling was enough of a blow to my ego. After gingerly circling the house I finally found that the least slick area was the ground between my shrubs.  Ahh, safely back. 
Lesson learned. No medium is safe from the slickeries. 
        Yikes, this is a day later and boy have I stiffened up. My right shoulder is really hurting and is about useless. How many functions is that appendage used for?? All of them it seems. Dressing is a bitch and toilet time causes mild cursing.  Forget combing my hair, I have mastered the street person look.  I have yet to try to drive my stick shift vehicle. That should be fun. Ah but fear not,  Pollyanna is alive and well.

There is good to come from this. I am being forced to use my left arm almost exclusively. Before it only had decorative and balance functions, now it is being put to awkward use. I do love a challenge plus according to reports, using my left side is making my right brain flex its muscle and increasing its function.  A good thing at any age. 

I had meant this as a part of my Monday's post but think I will put it out early to half ways explain my absence not visiting your sites. Typing is really awkward and   s   l   o   w   right now.  Pretty sure I will be much better soon so I'll see you Monday if not before. 

Watch your step out there.     


  1. OUCH! Toes crossed that you will soon be back in form. A heating pad or hot water bottle can help too.
    As one oldish dame to alone can have its pitfalls. It may sound silly, but a cane can provide steadiness.....the tripod solution! I also carry my cell phone when I am out alone. The idea of being unable to get up while out of shouting distance of the house is too humiliating to think of!
    Take're the only one of you we've got!

  2. Watching Max and Mia slip down the grading in the dog run is soooooo funny!...Feel better soon and be careful...

  3. Well you are certainly a glass half full kinda gal!

    Hop the arm gets better soon.

  4. I got tired of falling so I got a 4-footed cane--it really helps!! Take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Seems that we are suffering from the same malady....right arm stuck-itis.
    Only I don't know how I did mine. I've been this way for almost 4 weeks. And yes it is amazing what we expect from our appendages and how they are necessary for certain functions. My condolences on your "fall down go boom". Oma Linda
    ps feel better soon

  6. Patti, I think I told you about Arnica before. You need to keep some on hand. It really works on muscle strains/bruising. However, it should be applied immediately. If I fall skiing, I rub some on the affected area as soon as I get home. You can also get the homeopathic pills - they work too, and I sometimes throw a bottle of them in my bike bag.

  7. I am not happy that you are following in my footsteps. I hope the pain passes soon and functionality resumes quickly. Please don't drive until it is safe for you.

  8. No, a stick shift with a right arm in that conditions is NOT a good idea. I've done similar injuries to myself but the main thing should be that you move it every day and if you can get someone to get you some arnica cream, I'd recommend it. Are you all bruised too? (Probably)

  9. OH No I am so sorry. Nothing worse than a bad fall and especially on frozen ground. Pride or No pride girl I would of been on hands and knees back to my house. To risk another fall would of kept me as close to the ground as I could of managed. Glad you made it back it this cold weather is not even for the birds.
    You have to be in a lot of pain and I am so so sorry. A shoulder pain is horrible and it does make you realize how much we use that appendage. haha
    My worse fear is another fall so I really am sorry for yours.
    Santa did not come through with a new computer for me so my blogging as almost all but stopped. I have to break down and order a new one. Just trying to decide what I should get.
    You take care and please please be careful.
    Get well soon

  10. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly and that you're on the mend. I fell a while back and just lay there in shock. I'd never fallen before (as an adult.) It was a humbling experience.

  11. Be careful with that arm. Make sure you keep using it. I avoided it too long and it froze. A frozen shoulder is awful. As soon as you mentioned pratfall, I thought of Linda. You're not the only two having taken falls this season. The cold and snow is really making in dangerous. Please take care. I sure hope your arm heals quickly!

  12. Oh such a great fear of mine. Happy that you were not hurt worse. My bil fell at the mailbox and broke a rib. My sister was at a luncheon and he had to manage getting back to the house by himself. With all this snow I just know I am going to end up in a snow drift with the chickens pecking at my flesh.

  13. Oh I hope the pain subsides soon!!! Ice is no joke - I have fallen a many a time. Maybe this will have a silver lining though - you can learn to be a lefty like us cool people :)

  14. Yikes...too many stories of slips and falls. I hope you are the mend now.

  15. Hope you're starting to feel better, Patti. Those icy falls are such a bummer. Amazing what weather we brave to feed the birds.

  16. I hope that you did not tear your rotator cuff.

  17. Bless your heart…. I'm so sorry that you fell. I can only imagine how sore you feel… Hope you continue to improve instead of digressing… Good Luck --and Prayers.

    If you were left-handed like me, you'd be in business!!!!! ha


  18. "I have mastered the street person look." I really, really am sympathetic, feeling your pain, and this comes with a prayer. But I confess, my appropriate responses were disrupted and delayed by that sentence above until I could get my laughter--and bladder-- under control.

  19. Oh, no Patti, I hope the weather has warmed there and that ice is gone now. Freezing rain makes everything slick and very dangerous. You don't need to be falling trying to do what needs to be done. I sure hope all the soreness goes away soon and you will be back moving freely. Take care of yourself sweet friend and I hope you have someone that can help you if you should need to go anywhere or need anything. Hugs for you and nose kisses for sweet Minnie

  20. This winter has been horrid for slips and falls. I hope you heal quickly from this.

    Good luck with the driving!

  21. It's even been a challenge to go to the garbage can this winter. Places where you skip merrily along in the summer are a big danger in the winter. Hope you heal soon. take some arnica. I wear those little rubber straps with pointy things on the bottom. At first I thought only old women wore them but I found most young gals do to.
    Hope your soreness leaves soon. Your birds better thank you.

  22. Good grief, Patti! I'm so sorry! An unexpected fall is alarming as well as dangerous. Hope your shoulder loosens up soon. If the pain/immobility hangs on very much longer, I hope you will seek professional medical attention. Take care, and get well soon!

  23. UGH! So sorry you fell, Patti. I have gravel, too but have not had that problem yet. Quite the opposite, really. Getting my boots wet while watering the horse, then stepping on the very cold gravel makes it stick to my boots and I then track it onto the deck before I figure it out. I think it's the same idea as putting a tongue on a cold, metal flagpole... Feel better!!!

  24. A fall on ice is so scary! I'm glad you were not injured any worse but take care of yourself. After a similar fall I never go out my door, even just to the mailbox or to take out trash, without taking my cell phone in case I need to call for help. Hope you are better soon.

  25. We are in Tucson where it's not at all cold, but my husband fell off his bicycle yesterday in the driveway. He's sore but nothing is broken. And I fell last week on the pickleball court. There was a time when we didn't have to be so careful, wasn't there?

  26. Maybe it is time for a walking stick when venturing out on these slick surfaces. I use my old bamboo cross-country ski pole when I walk Samson. Even when it is not slick, just because I feel safer. Please take care and I hope you will feel better soon.

  27. Sore is okay by my standards. I am so glad you were not severely hurt after all you are one of my favorites. I know your thinking...Grayquill would not be sad for a non-favorite. comment.

  28. Please be careful! I'm glad nothing was broken. Ice scares the dickens out of me since I broke my ankle so bad many years ago. I hope your pains ease up soon. Take good care of yourself!

  29. Oh my gosh. Now I read how you hurt your shoulder. This is just terrible. I can only imagine the pain, and the pain in the a… that this brings. Seriously, have you had it looked at?

    I broke my elbow about twelve years ago when I stepped on a very small little rock and went down. I taught three classes and thought I was fine. It turned out I wasn't. It was a very, very small crack in the elbow, but I was off work for six weeks and then I had to have surgery because it froze up on me. Take care of yourself. Get better soon.

    Maybe you should invest in those grippers. My husband has a pair that he wears when he walks the dog.

  30. Golly I went down the week of Christmas taking the trah out. Like you , no cracked skull but so very sore


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