Monday, September 12, 2016


With all the negative media today, I am going to fill my post with only positives. It seems good things come in threes also.

I all ready told you about the neat power company lineman who bent the rules for me and sent a truck to pick up the pile of debris they created. They did not have to but they did and the second crew arrived right on schedule and did a great job cleaning up.
That was one.

Then as some of you know, I have wrestled with heart problems that were patched with a pacemaker and a stent.  Wanting to do what I could to help my heart, I went on a heart healthy diet and lost 42 pounds. Now if only the skin that surrounded those 42 pounds had somewhere else to go:)) Old skin just doesn't snap back like it use to.  Still I am happy with the results and improved numbers.

One thing I gave up with the diet change was bacon.   I never buy bacon for home use.  The one time I did, I ate the whole pound in one sitting. I have a friend whose son swears he wants to die with bacon on his breath. I guess if I knew for sure I was enjoying my last few days, that would be my wish also.  As I am a bacon-aholic, I only get it when eating out and for many months, not even then.

Anyway, I went to lunch with my support group and on the way I decided I was actually going to sin and have a BLT for lunch as Jo Jo's makes the best. I started to drool a little as I got near the restaurant.

"I'll have a BLT, no mayo." I proudly stated to the waitress. My friends grew wide eyed at my request as I had been so good for so long. They were shocked to see Patti happily falling off the wagon.

"Sorry, we are out of bacon." the waitress stated simply.

Huh???   No restaurant is ever "out" of bacon, especially a decent sized one, but this one evidently was. Everyone grinned and said that I really had someone watching over me to make a restaurant run out of bacon to save my ticker.  Yes I was disappointed but I was also relieved the bacon temptation had been totally removed.
That was two.

The final cool thing kept me up most of Friday night worrying. My 12 year old riding lawnmower had refused to work that day. It was a hard start, then it stuttered, lurched and missed badly only to belch a huge 10 x 10 foot cloud of white smoke bringing my neighbor running to the fence thinking explosion.

Fearing it was terminal I stewed about coming up with the money to get the old gal fixed or buy a new one. According to my fitness tracker, I got 3.5 hours sleep that night weighing my options.

I decided to trailer it to the dealer 40 miles away. He could either fix it or sell me a new one.  Sigh.

Hoping to drive it on the trailer instead of pushing, I tried to start it. It fought me and I fought back but eventually it started. Then to test it, I rode it a bit with the blade disengaged. Hum--ran good.  I engaged the blade which yesterday caused the huge smoke burp but hey, no burp and it still ran good. Happily I finished mowing my whole yard and it ran like a champ.

What ever power that can soften a workman's heart and make a restaurant run out of bacon can evidently fix lawnmowers too. Thank you, thank you and please stay with me. I thanked the big guy up there but unless he was looking for some easy fixes in our crazy world, pretty sure it was someone a bit farther down the ladder like a guardian angel. Was that you Dad?
Regardless of whom to credit, that was number three and a grateful me.

Have you ever had an unknown force make your life surprisingly better and erase a problem? Did you attribute it to luck, that you were just due or perhaps there really was someone unseen looking out for you?


  1. Well it was very good to read 3 bits of good news for a change. I think your Guardian Angel was looking after you.

    I wish my Angel would help me to sleep better at night.

    1. Joey,
      Thanks. Think you are right. Hope he/she stays around for a bit. Me too on the sleep.

  2. When my lawnmower recently caught fire with me on it, I am pretty sure it was Ron telling me to jump off of it and run as I was looking for a way to put it in reverse and back out of the fire. I cannot count the number of times I have escaped disaster and know someone is watching out for me. What I can't figure out is WHY?

    1. Annie,
      Ron definitely got you off that lawn mower. How scary. Now I will be looking for flames the next time mine burps.

  3. I know I have guardian angels. They have helped me out countless times, and I am convinced your have been working overtime. I laughed at the bacon drought. :-)

    1. Djan,
      For sure when you had that sky diving accident, you were in the arms of an angel.
      Hey, bacon droughts are tough:))

  4. The only one looking out for me is my wife (sort of an angel) and she keeps me out of trouble.

    1. Stephen,
      Even better when your angel sits across the breakfast table with you. You are a lucky guy.

  5. Three fantastic good things, and I love that your lawn mower kicked back into life. Those things are super expensive and the repairs are even worse! I hope your week continues to bring you good vibes!~

    1. Terri,
      Thanks. I know, often the repair is right up with the cost of a new one. Sure was happy when it healed magically.

  6. We've crossed paths with good luck over the years. The one that this post makes me think about is when we were moving from Grass Valley to Arcata in July 2014. We got in our car after the moving van took all of our stuff, and we noticed that the driver's side window wouldn't close. We were bummed out thinking about driving 200 miles in unbearable heat and now way to close the window or even lock the car up. We stopped at a small car repair shop. They took the door apart. They tried everything to get that window to go up. The owner had two people working on it. He was about to give up after a half hour when suddenly, the window went up. It was GREAT. Everyone in the shop was hooting and hollering. The owner said, "That'll be no charge, and if you touch that switch I'll hit you." We all laughed. That was the coolest thing, literally! Loved your stories, Patti.

    1. robin,
      What a delightful story!! Isn't it amazing when something mechanical just heals itself. What a neat guy you ran into and I am sure he has retold that story a lot also.

  7. I MUST have guardian angels--I'm still alive at almost 82!!

    1. Fran,
      I think as long as you keep your angels laughing like you do us, you are good for a LONG time yet.

  8. I love this post, Patti. I also have had good fortune come along for no apparent reason. I never actually try to figure it out but I'm always grateful when it happens. And I do try to focus on those good things that happen more than on the bad things. Life is easier that way.

    1. Carolyn,
      Thank you and I so agree with you. Life is so much easier when we give the good the proper recognition. I am too lazy to wrestle with the bad for long.

  9. My brother was scheduled for a meeting at the World Trade Center 9/11/01. His transportation into the city was delayed, and it saved his life. I can't even come close to that kind of good fortune!

    I don't think I have had any such intervention on my behalf, but I'm open to it in the future (any guardian angels listening?)

    Had to laugh about the bacon. That sounds like me and my relationship with chocolate. If it is in the house, I will eat it! Glad your lawn mower is still alive and kicking! You must take good care of her. Ours died after 11 years :-(

    1. Carole,
      That is such an amazing story about your brother. Someone was watching out for him for sure.
      I tend to give my angel credit for the little stuff--like bacon shortages:))
      My lawnmower is a Snapper. The last one was just like this one and lasted 16 years. I hope this one has a few more good years left.

  10. If they come in threes, bring on the next three!

    1. joeh,
      Sadly the bad things come in threes also. Hope to skip those.

  11. Neat Postive Post... LOVE it ---and you are such a great writer.. SO creative and entertaining!!!!

    YES---I definitely believe there are angels watching out for our every need... Right now though, we are in desperate need of some help from above.. Our area is in a severe drought --and even though we are watering our yard every single day (making the rounds from one area to the next each morning), the big trees and shrubs/bushes with deep roots just aren't getting anything. We need rain... We have been praying for it for a month --and now that it's been since June with no rain, it can get discouraging.... Our water bill this month was FIVE TIMES what it usually is... YIPES... Send some of your angels our way please.

    Congrats on the weight loss. I have the same problem with tons of saggy skin --after my 100 pound weight loss... Oh Well--at least I'm healthy.

    Thanks for the AWESOME post.

    1. Betsy,
      Thank you so much. I'm so pleased you liked it. It is odd how some areas are under water and some are bone dry. I know with your lovely yard, it much be so hard to keep it nice with the drought. So hope it breaks for you soon.
      If we can find a way to get rid of that skin outside of surgery, we could be rich:))

  12. You do indeed have a guardian angel.

    1. Fun60,
      I think you are right and I hope they stick around.

  13. Sometimes I feel like there is a cloud of safety surrounding me. I don't know what you would call that. However, I am very grateful.

    1. Barbara,
      Ooh, I like the idea of a cloud of safety. What a comforting feeling that must be.

  14. Oh, I definitely believe in guardian angels and sometimes credit family members who have passed on to looking out for me. It's happened too many times to think otherwise.
    And as for bacon, we're not big meat eaters, but we do like our bacon 'occasionally'...

    1. Rian,
      It really feels nice to know those who looked out for us when they lived, continue. I too think that.

  15. I am of the firm conviction that I am looked after. And you are too.

    1. Olga,
      From your posts, I am pretty sure Mike has never left you and is still looking after you.

  16. Since I only eat bacon of friday morning breakfasts out, I'm not sure the restaurant being out of bacon! would be a good thing. But I'm glad you thought so.
    Like someone else said, my guardian angel is my husband.

    1. Linda R,
      It's only good if you aren't supposed to be eating bacon at all.
      How nice to be able to look across the room and see your guardian angel. Enjoy him.

  17. Very COOL/positive post.
    You made my day.

  18. I am shamefully ungrateful many days when I'm blessed graciously every day.

    I'm happy good things are happening.

    1. Gail,
      Me too, sometimes it takes a trio of good to get through to me.

  19. You are definitely getting some powerful help. My mom always felt 2 good things meant a third was on the way. Of course, with that attitude, she always found something for which she could be happy. I think maybe you're the same way. However, I sure hope those good things just keep happening spontaneously for you!

  20. Barb,
    Yep, you are right. I'm like your Mom and will often attach good to a mediocre occurrence just to tally up my 3:))

  21. Thanks Patti. Practically anything positive given the news these days is a blessing. You did good!

  22. Maybe your lucky number is three! Thanks for the no-gloom post.

  23. You had some nice things happen, even your lawn mower revived. God often intervenes for our good.

  24. Oh yes, yes, yes! This was definitely a day brightener for me. I LOVE it! I'm so glad you had such happy things to be grateful for. I love BLTs. Sigh... I'll be writing a post soon about my health problems. You're going to be my role model.


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