Monday, August 27, 2018


No I don't mean the political situation though there is a jungle argument for that. Nor do I mean the lack of civility and common sense among those who are on edge and ready for battle at the first glimpse of an offense.

Instead I am talking about a service man who went above and beyond for me recently and kept a smile on his face. Too often these guys get bad press. So this is my tale about one of the good guys.

Recently it appears I had phone problems. I could make outgoing calls on my landline with no problem so I had no idea my phone was sick. When my sister tried to call me and the call immediately got cut off before it even rang, she was kind enough to email me. Otherwise I would just wonder what happened to my friends and family and would have enjoyed the lack of spam and robo calls.

I checked Google and it had happened to others so I tried all the Google remedies. Nothing worked. Since I don't have a cell signal here, I had to drive 4 miles up the road to call myself after each attempt.  Nothing was working.

So I emailed my phone company--it was a Saturday---and thought I would have to wait till Monday for help.

Soon my phone made the tiniest beep which it did when a call tried to come in. The lost call number was of my phone company. That happened twice so I knew someone was at least thinking about helping me.

It was mid after noon when Callie let me know someone was outside. It was the tech who was testing my phone on the outside box.  Then he looked at my power pole,

Ah, yes I have let it get a bit overgrown. I guess somewhere on that pole was a box he had to access. He walked round and round then finally just plunged into the jungle.  It was 94 degrees and I felt like I ought to at least offer him a machete.

He just disappeared into the foliage and  I could only see the  bushes move as he fought forward. Then nothing. I was beginning to think of sending my rescue dog in after him when my phone rang. He had fixed it.

The bushes moved a lot and he finally burst free, soaked in sweat and decorated with small leaves and spider webs.  I waited for him to fuss at me for letting the brush get so out of hand. Instead he just grinned and said,"Where is Mike Rowe when you need him?"

I laughed also for Mike Rowe is the guy on the TV show, Dirtiest Jobs.

He then took the time to explain to me what he had done.

Seems lightening from a recent bad storm had blown out a capacitor and he replaced it. Simple fix if it wasn't for the miserable access.

All was well again. I had been ready to play the old lady card but it wasn't necessary.

He did the job with out a gripe but I am betting if he was a praying man, he was praying that no more lightening storms hit my area, at least not while he is on duty.

I need to find someone to tackle that mess. It is so beyond me with my bum shoulder and bionic ticker.  Some of the vines are leaning eagerly towards my house.  Pretty sure there is some Kudzu in there. Scary.

Ever have an area on your property get really over grown or run down and not realize it till some stranger has to access it and you finally see it for what it is? Kind of embarrassing.


  1. We are enjoying a green summer after several years of July and August with little or no rain. There are weeds and some strange vine that is threatening my desk steps. I cut it back before it took over the entire deck! I love these green summers but there has to be a limit somewhere! 🤭

    1. smartcat,
      I had a vine like that trying to take over my gate but a friend whipped it into shape for me. They work quickly don't they?

  2. Glad your guy did that for you. A guy I had would never have done that. Actually, a few years ago I had a phone company guy out who was checking all the lines in connection to some internet connection issues I was reporting...again. Before he left he said he hadn't been able to check the interior wiring in an outdoor box on the side of the house, because he couldn't access it due to a protruding bush. After he left I checked and was surprised with his flimsy explanation. I could easily have gotten to the box on the side of the house which wasn't covered at all. He was rather wide and would simply have wanted long sleeves on one arm next to bush to avoid scratches. I could have given him a towel if he didn't have a jacket or plastic bag to drape over his shoulder and arm on that side. The bush was shaped, not at all with any out of control growth.

    I didn't press because other guys preceding him at various times had checked, and established the source of this periodic recurring problem was not on my property, but in connections elsewhere in their system.

    1. Joared,
      Sorry you got one of the unmotivated ones. I know when I read meters, we were unhappy when bushes blocked the meters but we wouldn't have thought of refusing to read one for that reason.

    2. Most service people I've had are good and some exceptional, but there can be a few bad apples, or pears, in every barrel -- like the plumber whose friendly manner and forever work time eventually revealed he was three sheets to the wind.

  3. Not to mention that the whole incident gave you a chance to write a really fun post, Patti. But yes, I think perhaps it's time to tackle that jungle (not you, but someone you hire). :-)

    1. Djan,
      Yes it is getting time for me to hire out some jobs. Sigh. Maybe if I just pecked at it a little at a time, eventually it would be gone---or hire a studly young man:))

  4. What a great nature that guy had!

    I have a nature strip in my backyard that I have cut back every other year. It would quickly take over my groomed yard if I didn't. It has sumac back there and I hate that stuff!

    1. Jean,
      It is amazing how quickly that stuff can get the upper hand. I plan to go by the company this week and let his supervisors know he deserves an atta boy.

    2. Companies get so many complaint letters, A letter commending their guy should do wonders for him!!

    3. Fran,
      I am going by the office this week to make sure his supervisors know he deserves an atta boy.

  5. Doesn't it make yourday when someone goes out of their way to help AND with smile on their face.

  6. I love that service guy's attitude. Things do get a bit overgrown, but we're in suburbia here so all of it is out of our hands.

    1. robin,
      Lucky you for it can get out of control quickly. Yes he made my day.

  7. We're first of the main line in our subdivision so if my power got our so do thirty other homes and farms. A bunch of other people call for help before I can even get to it. Works good...:)

  8. Glad that all turned out well and your phone is working again. I hope you can find someone to cut the jungle back for you. I had a jungle on my fence from neighbors yards and finally after almost 3 years I have cleaned it all off. It starts growing back every year but now my yard man keeps it cut back for me. Hugs sweet Patti

  9. Hooray for the good guys.... Glad you got it fixed.... Luckily, even though we have a lot of STUFF in our yard, we don't have the kind of jungle-growth like yours.. However, the empty lot next door is full of all kinds of vines and who knows what else.... Good Luck getting rid of yours...


  10. Glad you got a good one. And good for you to put this positive tale out on the internet, there are plenty of bad! We have had some things done at our house recently and all have involved some good and some bad, but mostly just young hard working people trying to do the right thing. We had a tree trimmer come out and trim some trees, did not get finished, so he came back Sunday morning to finish - with his 7am. I bet our neighbors wanted to kill us!

  11. Once, long ago. Nowadays we live in a condo. I loved this story.

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Fun60
    Yes it does especially when you are braced for a frowny face.

    1. Fun60
      I keep trying but the Reply button is not working. Guess I will just have to post my comment replies at the end.

  15. We have never had a problem of overgrowth because my husband (a physician who worked all day indoors) loves few things more than working in the yard, snipping and clipping. We once bought a house and he worked endlessly on the yard as soon as we moved in. A neighbor had a dinner party to welcome us to the neighborhood. She was surprised when we arrived. She had thought my husband was our yard man. Apparently in that upscale neighborhood no one did their own yard work. We all enjoyed a good laugh.

    1. Carolyn,
      Now that is funny but lucky you. You and Betsy from Tennessee have such delightful housemates who keep the yard in check.

  16. Maggie,
    I think that is what I will have to do. Hate it when I just can't do what I use to. Now to find someone who will do it.

    You have a perfectly manicured place thanks to you live in yard man. Just beautiful.

    I can see where that might have rattled some cages but bless him for being through.

    Thanks and that may be my next step.

  17. I don't know about your part of town but over here when the electric or phone company sends out teams to trim the trees it turns into a big Massacre. I would definitely get mine trimmed on my own and not get the help of the utility companies

    1. Barbara,
      Yes they do mess up trees but this mess can go to the ground if they want. Besides, their price is right

  18. Love the way you write - makes me smile! My garden was always the butt of family jokes because of my ability to kill every plant by looking at it, except for the ones I didn't want to grow. But now that my lovely brother has retired he pops over most weeks to get to grips with the it so the jokes have had to stop!
    Around My Kitchen Table

    Around My Kitchen Table

    1. Around my kitchen table,
      Thank you for the nice compliment. For a while there I was going to hire you to come here to stare at this jungle but then you said your death plant ray doesn't always kill what you want. So glad your brother has come to your rescue.

  19. My "jungle" was practically taking over my little house built in 1902. I finally paid the big bucks and had it professionally cut back and now I have a backyard but I miss the trees covered with wisteria.

    1. Ginnie,
      I am afraid I am to the "big bucks" stage also. Now if I can find someone to tackle it.

  20. Wow, and he didn't even complain. Great guy! Glad it was taken care of.

    1. Bobbie and Gracie,
      Yes and he had every right to be cranky. That was a nasty job.

  21. Another nice post! Yay, for good service people! And, one with a sense of humor! Arkansas should be well known for its thickets (aka jungles). Why, one can just seem to spring up overnight. ;~)

  22. Chip Butter,
    Thank you. You are so right. I swear that mess was only head high a month ago:))

  23. What a nice man. I hope you will find someone to take care of that mess. And I see on TV weather news that your part of the country is getting some powerful storms and heat waves too. Stay safe.

  24. Did you call the company and sing his praises? I am always quick to complain and try to be equally quick to compliment a person who does and exceptional job. Sounds like this guy deserves praise.

  25. Dear Patti, that service man surely deserves thanks for doing his job without complaint but with a joke and smile.

    The only time I had something untoward happen in my home or the grounds was when light bulbs in my lamps started to pop. I called the Stillwater City Hall and talked to the person in charge of inspections. He kindly came and explained what was wrong. I needed to rewire the entire house. (The house was built in 1870 and the electrical wires hadn't been changed since electricity went in.) He told me that the wires were a fire waiting to happen and that the whole house might burn down.

    I was so grateful then for those popping light bulbs!!!! as they let me know my home needed repair. Peace.

  26. I'll bet he just found you charming and wanted to do everything he could, Patti. We do have lovely telephone service people here too. I'm always so grateful at how kind they are.
