Monday, December 30, 2019


A few days ago I opened my email account in the morning as I usually do and had to do a double take.  I'll normally get a few emails each morning along with one or two spammers. The number in my inbox made my eyes leap out of my head and steam come out of my ears.

I had 147 emails that were notices for comments that had posted to my blog during the night. I looked at them closer and saw they were spam from an Asian sounding name. Basically it was 147 comments that all said, "Very interesting and informative post. viagra, viagra, viagra".

Now they weren't attached to any one post but to 147 different ones. Oh Lordy.
So off I went to get those suckers off my blog and mark them as spam. It wasn't
too grueling and I accomplished it in about 15 minutes. What made me feel a bit better was that it had taken them over 2 hours to stick me with them.  Take that creep.

I did get tickled part way down the list for he/she kept using different "from" names. For about 10 of them they used the name kim kardashian. Wonder what Kanye would think of that?

According to my stats, I am big in Indonesia and Ukraine. This sounded like it might have come from Indonesia.

I was OK with the occasional Mumbai Hookers and the Bit coin commenter but this was ridiculous.  I am now going to have to moderate my comments to prevent more of them actually appearing on my posts. Sorry about that but it is a must for my sanity.

Have you ever had such a massive spam invasion?

Wishing you all (except that creepy spammer) a happy, healthy, prosperous, spam free and fun 2020.


  1. The downside of having a popular post, Patti. Sorry you've been targeted! No wonder you are now monitoring your comments.

    1. Florence,
      Thanks for the positive spin but I just think I got the luck of the draw.

  2. Well, ya-ah, I'd certainly moderate my comments too. That's absurd. Wish they'd all get a life. Happy New Year to you as well, Patti.

    1. Anni,
      I agree, who has several hours to sling spam at others. I can't imagine anyone actually clicking on them.
      Happy New Year to you also.

  3. I have never viagra had such viagra massive intrusion viagra, thank you for such information viagraa this is assure to viagra bring much happiness to you viagra reader.

  4. I used to get a lot of e-mails about canned cooked pork. I was told it is Spam.

    I think JoeH should share his viagra. Can you imagine? Viagra and Spam. I wonder what that tastes like?

    Happy New Year. God bless.

    1. Victor,
      Let's see, fried viagra and spam. Naw, think I'll pass:)

  5. No, I haven't ever had such a torrent of spam, but I think you are right to start moderating your comments. This is crazy, and what they get out of it is a mystery to me.

    1. Djan,
      I know, who on earth would ever click on their links? Like Anni said, they need to get a life.

  6. I could have written this post, Patti, except that I woke to 700 spam blog emails on December 19th. I started to delete, and they kept coming. It was quite a thing, and all for Viagra. Four different names. Now I have moderation on for blog posts that are more than two-weeks old. Utterly annoying and absurd to do comment spam like this. Ridiculous and infuriating. Jerks.

    1. robin,
      Oh my goodness and here I thought 147 was bad!!! I think if there had been 700 like you dealt with I might have taken a hammer to my computer. At least we are on to them now.

  7. If you blog, you get hit by spammers. It probably isn't even a live person doing it. But 146 in one day!!!! I think you hold the record.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Jean,
      I thought I had the record also till I read robin's comment. I can't even imagine 700 and removing them all.

  8. I agree with the previous poster, I'm pretty certain you have the record. I don't get very many spam comments but the views have rocketed recently. I reported a site that seemed to be the one that was causing it, but they've gone incognito or something because the number of views are still higher than I would expect. I can tolerate that, the spam comments not so much!

    All the best in 2020!

    1. Eileen,
      I agree on the massive number of hits. I thought as long as they do no harm, no foul. Sure hope you are spared this nonsense. They often have many different sites so it is hard to get rid of them. For now, moderating will have to do.

  9. This happened to me a lot over the last few months. Mark 'em as spam as fast as I can. Mine are usually filthy though. No bitcoin for me. Oh no, some were really bad! Happy New Year Patti.

    1. Margaret,
      So sorry you have gotten the perverted ones. Boy I hope they stay away from here. At least I can catch them now and get rid of them before anyone else has to read them. Sad isn't it?

  10. Hi, GADS---have never had THAT many at one time... About a year ago, I was getting one or two spam comments every week. SO--I put on my Comment Moderation.. I still have it on---and have noticed that over the year, I've only gotten about less than 10 spams TOTAL... SO--they will leave you alone if you put on Comment Moderation.

    Happy New Year.

    1. Betsy,
      I guess I will have to leave it on for a while anyway. At least then only I will see them.

  11. Happy New Year. I guess I should be happy that no one reads my blog! I am a sporadic poster for the time being. Maybe I will improve. Resolution?!

    1. Nawm,
      I wondered where you had gone as I hadn't seen a post in a while from you. Hope you keep that resolution.

  12. I had a rash of unwanted comments and also turned on my comment moderation. Mine were of a very annoying nature and made me just not want to blog for a while.

    1. Olga,
      It can make you wonder why bother but then let's not let them beat us. Get back on that horse Olga. I've missed you.

  13. If it weren't for the spammers, I'd get very few comments! Viagra and Cialis seems to be the spammer's choice of drugs. I get several every time I post.

    1. Snickelfritz,
      Like I said to Olga, don't let them win. Moderate your comments and just mark them as spam.

  14. I pick up single spammer now and then and they persist for a while. I have one now, but I mark it as spam and before long they go away. I hope I don't get dumped on like you did.

    1. Linda,
      For the longest time it was just one every now and then. Don't know what got them all excited lately. Someone has too much time on their hands.

  15. I saw that Christine from Christine’s Blog posted about suddenly being inundated with a bunch of similar spam. I had to change my comment moderation a few months ago to “Any comments older than 2 days.” I’ve had the same sort of celebrity name spam, Viagra and Mumbai hooker as well as Binance something or other. It’s all so very AGGRAVATING, but tolerable so far now that I’ve got the comment moderation thing turned on.

    1. Kay,
      I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one. They seem to do their work at night or at least our night. Hopefully we can stop them completely with the moderation.

  16. I have never had that may all at once, but I do get a few, although almost never now. I check the comments on my previous post every day and if there is even one spammer, I go straight to my comments page and mark it as spam, that removes it from the blog, then I go through several more comments pages just to check, then I open the spam comments page and delete them. Moving them off so fast seems to deter them.

    1. River,
      Don't be too sure. That was exactly what I had been doing when the sudden burst hit. Hopefully they will realize that monster postings only makes us block them.

  17. Removing them as spam doesn't seem to prevent them commenting at a future date. I wonder whether I should follow them and then block them. Anyway just stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year.

    1. Fun60,
      Thank you and back at ya. They are a problem I guess we bloggers just have to live with. Hopefully moderating comments will at least keep them off the blog.

  18. I have always moderated comments and rarely got spam when I allowed comments. For about a year and a half since I haven't allowed comments, there was obviously no problem. However, about 2 weeks ago I looked at my stats and saw that I had 146 visits to different past posts from the same Eastern European blog. When I clicked on it - PORN! I closed the browser with the speed of light and shut down my computer, hoping I didn't get a virus. So far so good. Now, hopefully, I've learned from my mistake.

    1. Barb,
      Others have said the same and I am just glad I never clicked on any of the links. At least not allowing comments will absolutely cure that.

  19. That's awful. I get very few comments from Indonesia. Hope they don't bother me. Anyway, Happy new year! Aloha from Hawaii.

    1. gigi,
      I get a couple hundred page views each day from Indonesia, Ukraine, Europe and even some from Japan. Thankfully they don't leave comments. Not sure what they are up to but they are persistent.

  20. I've been very lucky with only the occasional spammer. But those few make me very angry. Like robocalls on my phone, spammers make me feel violated. There is no reason to them. Just an onerous waste of time. There is no getting rid of them. They have many sites and change from one to another just like the phone callers have multiple phone numbers. If you block one, they will switch to another.

    1. Carolyn,
      Oh yeah, they have no end to the number of different accounts or numbers they can use. I can't help but wonder why. Does anyone ever buy what they are selling?

  21. So glad to have you back … even if only to vent !!
    Yes, I get them once in awhile and it amazes me how they try to fool us. It makes me sad too because I had a wonderful blogger buddie from India about 8 years ago. I loved hearing about his family etc. and, strange as it sounds, his first comment on my blog was because I mentioned knowing the singer Jim Reeves back in the 50's. It turns out it was his favorite singer. He's gone now but I often think of him when I get some spam.

    1. Ginnie,
      That blogger you had from India reminded me of one I also had from there and to me the strangest was my first commenter was from Finland. Like your friend, she saw we had similar taste in music. Small world isn't it? I miss hearing from her for she no longer blogs.

  22. I have had spam of an offensive nature but never to that extent. May 2020 be spam-free and full of joy.

  23. Yes I've been getting a lot a spam recently on 2 of my blogs. All quite disgusting. Fortunately they only appeared on the music blog which no one goes on anyway, but after I deleted them, they came back and said "Hey LL why did you delete those comments". Weird and creepy.

    1. Joey,
      As long as they are generic it is annoying but not awful. When they come back to chastise like they did you, yes--that is creepy.

  24. A Blessed New Year to you and your family.

    God bless.

  25. Thank goodness I have not had that BIG of a problem. Apparently I am more popular with the Arabic commenters. I am glad that my email is finally dropping off since every company or person in the world selling something sent me an email. No, I did not bite.

    1. Barbara,
      They did get persistent for the holidays didn't they. I am amazed that they keep trying. Someone must bite or they would quit and nobody I know gives them the time of day.

  26. Good idea to approve your comments sweet Patti. Sorry you had that happen to you. Where my blog is has a great spam program and I approve comments before they go on my blog. I don't get posts like that on my blog. I rarely find any comments in my spam folder because the spam program catches them. I hope you have no more issues. Happy New Year...hope 2020 brings you love, happiness and good health. Hugs for you and nose kisses for the fur sweeties.

  27. I notice when I don't post for a week or two the spammers drop by for a visit. You have to wonder...what exactly do they get out of doing this. Surely everyone is on to them by now! Happy New Year to you!

  28. Patti I finally got back the chance to comment. I had to allow third party cookies. I guess it is a google thing. I do awaken myself from snoring.
