Monday, April 13, 2020


For your information.

Several of you commented on my last post that you hadn't heard of a mechanical litter box for cats.  The one I have is called Scoop Free and I have had it for about 10 years. It really does the job.  It is a bit expensive but in my opinion worth it.  I have no connection with the seller and will make not one red cent.
ScoopFree by PetSafe Self-Cleaning Second Generation Cat Litter Box
Without hood so you can see rake
 Once the cat has used the litter, the mechanics wait 20 minutes.  Then the rake drags through the litter to push the poop to the front.  A trap door opens and the poop is deposited under the lid which then shuts down over it.  Amazingly no odor. The urine is absorbed by the special crystals(again a bit more expensive).

I clean the poop from under the trap door every day. Since the box is in the bathroom, I just scoop it into the toilet and flush. I then stir the place where the cat peed since they tend to use the same spot. I can usually make the litter last 14 days.  I always ask guests if they can smell the litter and they swear they can't.
This is the type I have.

Only thing better would be a cat trained to use the toilet.

Now for the lovely isolation gift.  My friend Elaine in Ohio sent me a picture of a gift a friend of hers gave her.  At first I didn't enlarge the photo and only thought it was a nice flower arrangement.  She said look closer. The vase is a roll of toilet paper with a nice ribbon around it.  Flowers and toilet paper. You can't get more thoughtful than that.

Have someone you need to give a gift at this time? Feel free to copy. Just remember to use gloves and mask assembling and delivering.

Hope you all are still doing well  and managing this isolation.


  1. The mechanical litter box is amazing. What a cute invention. Also, the toilet paper and flowers are too funny.

  2. I've never heard or seen a mechanical litter box but what an excellent idea!

    Haha who can resist a loo roll nowadays! Yes and when you receive any parcel please use gloves to handle it and if possible don't touch it for 24 hours!

    1. Joey,
      It sure makes my day easier. I like "loo roll" better than toilet paper:))
      Yes on letting things sit for a day.

  3. I also never heard of a mechanical litter box, but it sure seems to do the trick. And that is a very imaginative flower arrangement. :-)

    1. Djan,
      Because so many had never heard of one was the reason for the post.
      The flowers gave me a giggle. A useful gift.

  4. Quite brilliant ideas -- both!

  5. If we ever get another kitty cat, we will defintely get that mechanical litter box. What a great idea. Love that flower arrangement. A wonderful gift in these crazy times!

    1. robin,
      Hope you do get both. You were so great with Bonsai.
      I thought the flower in the toilet paper was very clever.

  6. We had a cat for 17 years, and we loved her dearly. But we'll never get another one ... because of the litter box. So it's dogs for us. They go outside.

    1. Tom,
      Understand. Dogs do take care of things unless you have to walk them. Then you still have to bag the poop.

  7. Replies
    1. Jean,
      Glad you liked them. I thought they fell under useful and funny.

  8. I have a mechanical pooper scooper too. Cheap. The name brand is "Bud". Love the gift.

    1. Anni,
      Oh how perfect and he even works during a power outage:)
      How handy is that gift?

  9. Patti, we had a mechanical one for a bit - not exactly like the one you have - but one of our cats wouldn't use it (guess it scared her). Otherwise, they really work well. And if you change the litter daily, as well as keep the box sanitized, there shouldn't be any odor. I tended to worry about that too... but was told the house was fine.

    1. Rian,
      Sorry it didn't work for you. I always ask my visitors to be honest and let me know if they smell anything and I always get a negative. It is easy to get nose blind to an odor when you live with it.

  10. Hi There, IF I had a cat, I'd pay a fortune for a gadget like that... My hubby's daughter's house always STINKS (she has two cats) --and I would love to see her have one of these... BUT--I don't want to say anything that might offend her.... SO?????

    Hope you had a good Easter. It was different from other years (like everything else). I missed being with my family --but did enjoy listening to some awesome much through You Tube yesterday afternoon. SO--it turned out to be a terrific day.

    Stay healthy and safe.

    1. Betsy,
      When you live with cats or dogs, you don't smell them. Maybe just ask her if she has ever thought of getting the automatic one. Not so much for odor but for ease. Good luck.

  11. I don't need the litter box but it does seem like a good invention.
    I think that flower arrangement would be a good idea for all those folks who hoarded toilet paper. Maybe they could do some penance.

    1. Linda,
      No fair, you have the perfect cat--someone else's:))
      Yes, that would be a wonderful idea for the hoarders to practice.

  12. The flower arrangement is both hilarious and practical! Take care and stay well.

  13. Thank you for the mechanical cat tray pictures and explanation. As soon as we are allowed to roam freely again I will print these out and take them to the nearest giant pet store and see if the have them or can get them. I expect it is battery operated?
    Love the toilet paper vase idea.

    1. River,
      The ones I have seen are corded and require an electrical outlet.
      Hope you find one and enjoy.

  14. On the subject of the litter box, you MUST use the crystal litter or if you use clumping litter it will burn up the motor..!!Love the toilet paper vase!!

    1. Jan,
      Good point Sis. I mentioned it was expensive but didn't say what type. You are the one who got me using it in the first place.

  15. What two very creative ideas in one post. The first so functional. The second pretty but most funny!!! Good writing.

    1. GQ,
      Yes, that second one cracked me up but I was also impressed by the usefulness.

  16. How clever, I wish I had known about this box when I had cats. I bought a big pack of toilet paper in the beginning of March, just like I always do at the beginning of each month. I was so lucky! I had no idea what was about to happen. Once I found out, I have rationed my paper and so far, I think I have seven rolls left, plus one in my CERT emergency pack.

    1. Inger,
      I don't think anyone could see this coming about toilet paper. Kind of interesting that now we have such a shortage, how most of us are learning how to ration. I'm counting the squares these days:))

  17. Amazing, whatever will they come up with next.
    My cat litter tray (when I still had cats) was a source of unpleasant smells every time they used it and I even got up and cleaned it during the night when needed.

    That sure is one thoughtful present!

    1. Friko,
      Cat litter can really make a house unbearable. That is why I love this tray.
      I thought it was thoughtful also. Much nicer than just offering a plain old roll of TP.

  18. I love it. A toilet paper vase. Definitely part of the new normal.

    1. Carolyn,
      I know. I would never have thought of something like that. It tickled me but warmed me also.

  19. Makes me almost want to get a cat again. It was the cleaning of the litter box I hated and I always felt like our house smelled like cat. Maybe I'll try once again because it is wonderful to curl up with a warm kitty on cold nights.

    1. Snickelfritz,
      Hope you make the move to get another cat. They really are great pets and the litter box takes the nasty out of ownership.

  20. Looks like a pretty good device and your cat even tells you when it malfunctions — can’t beat that!

    1. Joared,
      It really is and she turned out much smarter than I thought she was.

  21. I have to admit that a toilet paper vase is a new one for me. I wish I'd known that a few months back when I bought 1 ply by mistake …

    1. Ginnie,
      Isn't 1 ply a crime? That shouldn't be allowed.

  22. My daughter lives a mile away, and it is frustrating to be so close and yet not see them. She left a bottle pinot grigio on my door step. I made a berry pie and left it on hers.

  23. Yes! I had a couple episodes like that as a young mother. I did calm down but just barely before I lost it totally. The second time I recognized the pattern, stopped, turned and walked out of the room. I got my husband to take over for a bit. i swam in guilt.

    After that I was able to recognize those emotions earlier and alter course before hurtful words or actions erupted.

  24. Good gosh! A mechanical litter box! That is absolutely amazing. I shall have to mention that to a friend of mine. I love the toilet paper and daffodils. That is just so clever and thoughtful.
