Monday, August 31, 2020


This is one of those instances where you probably had to be there but I will try to tell you what tickled me this past week.

I have a lot of trees that threaten the power lines so once a year, the tree trimmers come out to mutilate my trees. These guys are not tree surgeons, they are butchers concerned only with clearing the power lines of any threats.

So they proceeded to rape my poor trees and left huge piles of debris for the chipper truck that was supposed to come the next day.  They piled it all up neatly. I wasn't upset--just sad for my trees. I do realize it is a necessary evil.

Right on schedule, the crew of three showed up to chip up the remains.  It was hot.  Ninety eight degrees and humid so the fellows were sweating a bunch as they corralled the limbs and fed them to the chipper.

As the piles got lower, one of the guys got a powerful leaf blower out to clean up the leaves and twigs. He was blowing the scraps around when one of the guys signaled to him.  I was surprised when he turned the leaf blower on his friend but then I realized what he was doing. He was trying to cool him off.

At first the guy's shirt blew up like a balloon adding a good 30 pounds to his appearance. Then it got funny.  His shirt blew up his belly a bit and as the air flew out his collar, his hard hat started dancing. It didn't blow off but fluttered rapidly from side to side on his head for about 30 seconds. There he was, fake fat with a dancing hard hat and a blissful smile.

Oh how I wish I could have gotten a video of that and set it to music but it didn't last long enough for me to get a camera. It was silly enough to really tickle me. Though maybe with all this Covid isolation I am just easily amused.

The good thing was the timing of the tree trimming for the day after the chipper truck left, we got the remnants of Laura so any limbs that might have put us out of power or cause damage where gone.

My heart goes out to those in her path who were not so lucky.  They were drastically affected by Laura with lives, homes and power lost.  I plan to send what I can to help out.

Hope all of you stayed safe. 


  1. Around here the power company tree trimmers work hard in freezing, windy weather and the hot steamy St Louis summers. I watched them one extremely cold January day trimming the trees, they had face masks, and heavy clothes on, way up high in the trees. Hard dangerous work.

    Several years ago one of the English Language Students I worked with was a power company tree trimmer. I was asking him about his work. He grinned and said, "I really like it. I like being up high in the trees. It's fun."

    1. susie,
      Goodness as bad as it was in the heat, I'd sure hate to do it in winter.
      I can see where guys would like it. Power tools, outside and trees to climb.

  2. Patti I bet that was a fun sight to see, and boy does this bring back memories—my childhood best friend Dan worked for Asplundh after high school (a tree trimming service for power companies here in Pa) and used to share some pretty funny or dangerous stories with me & my folks. He complained for years how much he disliked the work, broil in the summer, get laid off in the winter—but wound up doing it over 30 years because it paid so well. PS. Glad you’re safe from Laura!

    1. Doug,
      Admire someone who doesn't like thier work to do it for 30 years but good pay explains it. Asplundh use to do ours but a new company XYLEM does it now. At first I thought the name was the result being on the wrong home position on the typewriter but that is it:)

  3. Great story! We could use a good tree trimming and removal service on our property. Roger hates their prices. And he likes to let nature provide habitat for it's own; birds and critters. I must admit that although I don't like the look of downed trees or dead trees still standing, I do enjoy the wildlife.💖

    1. Susan,
      Know what you mean about the price of professional tree trimmers. I felt badly for some birds after the guys left. They searched the branches on the ground I am sure for a nest.

  4. We have tree trimmers around all the time, I hear them from a distance. I would love to have seen that sight, and you sure painted a great word picture of it. I am still smiling. :-)

    1. Djan,
      I'm sure as delightful as your climate usually is that the guys don't have to use a leaf blower to keep cool. If you do see that, watch the hard hat. It is a hoot.

  5. I could imagine that perfectly. How funny. What a super hot job. Wow! Glad you are safe from Laura.

    1. Sue,
      So glad you got the picture. It cracked me up at the time. And thanks, we were supposed to get some rough stuff from Laura but didn't.

  6. We've had people from the power company come along and butcher our trees too ... but they typically grow back and look okay by the next summer. At least you got some entertainment out of it!

    1. Tom,
      They really do leave a sad looking tree but I think the first time they do it is the worst for like you said, they do grow back.

  7. What a good idea, Patti! I suppose it would not only cool the guy but also blow the sawdust of him. I feel very sorry for the folk who lost homes by Hurricane Laura. Such devastation!

    1. Florence,
      Oh I hadn't thought of the dust, leaves and twigs but you are right. Another good idea.
      I know I see the pictures and hear they may be weeks with out power and I hurt for them. I've been there in Florida.

  8. That would have been quite the sight to see, too funny!

    Glad you were able to avoid the worst of Laura. For some reason our local news here in Canada hasn't shown much of the devastation. My heart goes out to those who were so horribly impacted.

    Take care and stay well!

    1. Eileen,
      It was fun entertainment. We got a lot of the news coverage since we are so close. Homes totally destroyed and they say it may be weeks before the get power again. Can't imagine in all that heat.

  9. I've seen what the power line trimmers do to tree rows and it's not pretty. But like you said, it's a necessary evil. Here in the north it's not the hurricanes that take the lines down with tree limbs, it's ice storms. Glad you found some entertainment in the process.

    1. Jean,
      Know what you mean. The first year I moved here we had a nasty ice storm. The trees were ruined and it took a while for them to come back.

  10. That is such a funny story. You described it so well, I felt like I was there watching it. Thank you for the much-needed laugh. Glad to know that the tree-trimmers were right on time, before the hurricane arrived.

    1. robin,
      So glad you enjoyed. I really have been lucky with my entertainment lately. The naked guy in my driveway and now the leaf blower side show. Smiles brought right to my door. Can't beat it.

  11. Glad you are well and that you got a show with your clean up. :-) How fun. I love trees but they can sure make a mess can't they?

    1. Margaret,
      I love it when the show comes to my house. No need to dress up. Those guys made my day.

  12. Good to hear you got through Laura without any damage. Keep smiling.

    1. Fun60,
      I was relieved. She threatened but was totally worn our by the time she got here.

  13. You described this so well, no video needed for your story to put a big smile on my face. Laura was a terrible storm and I worry there will be more of them. I can't imagine being in that heat and humidity without electricity and even water.

    1. Inger,
      Thank you. It did make my day. Laura did so much harm to the folks in Louisiana. They will be weeks without power or water in brutal heat. I have been in similar situations in Florida and know how hard it is.

  14. That is truly funny. Too bad no video. However, it is good that your house was spared any significant damage by the hurricane.

    1. gigi,
      I know, I sure wish I could have gotten video. By the time the storm got to us thankfully it was reduced to just some wind and rain.

  15. Dear Patti, aawwww, what a delightful post. No, it's not about being on lock-down for too long, it's about enjoying the Lord's blessings. Take care and stay well. By the way, would have loved to see that.

    1. Sue,
      Thank you so much and glad you enjoyed. I know I did. The balloon shirt was cute but the dancing hard hat really made me laugh.

  16. I can certainly picture it all. but for the shirt blowing up exposing my boobie bags (like a goat skin bota bag!) IOW...laughing stock of the chipper crew!

    1. Anni,
      I'm with you. Don't think I will be asking anyone to hit me with a leaf blower:))

  17. I'm glad they put on a good show for you. It must have softened the tee trimming a bit.

    1. Judy,
      Yes it did in fact I smiled pretty much for the rest of the day.

  18. Well you certainly gave us a good visual so I know I would have been giggling at the sight. It sounds as though they had a good attitude about working hard in such hot weather.

    1. Olga,
      Glad you could visualize what happened. Those fellows worked quite hard but they knew how to have fun with their work. I got the benefit of both.

  19. We;ll take any entertainment we can get. thanks for the mind movie.

    1. Linda,
      Yes and even better when it comes to our front yard.

  20. I've had to filter out some comments about this that were just not fit for mixed company. Pity, a few of them were pretty funny.

    1. joeh,
      Ha ha, sorry we inhibited you. Couldn't clean it up huh?:)

  21. I would have loved to see the man being cooled off by the leaf blower.

    1. River,
      It was a really unique use for the power tool but evidently effective.

  22. That would have made a funny video... and even funnier if he found himself on you-tube! I find myself sitting in my front window several times a day watching what goes on up and down the street. Sometimes I'm just getting a little sun when it's too hot to go outside, but occasionally, it's pretty interesting out there...

    1. Rian,
      It was his dancing hat that broke me up. Would have been a fun video. Isn't it wonderful when we don't have to go anywhere for our entertainment?

  23. Nicely described and FUNNY ! BTW: I just watched a TV segment about the pediatric nurses that stayed with the newborns during the storm. First they quickly took all the equipment needed to a hospital on higher ground and then transported 19 babies and 4 nurses and 1 doctor. The storm raged around them and it was very frightening but they survived ... while the hospital from which they transferred was brutally hit and probably would have killed them all. It gave me goosebumps !

    1. Ginnie,
      Thank you. I watched the same show and it was amazing and wonderful what they did. Those tiny fingers around that finger got me too.

  24. I've always been grateful to have a job where I worked indoors. My husband was foreman of an electric company line crew, and I expect he was grateful to get outdoors.

    1. Linda,
      I did both and must say outdoors was my favorite though maybe not when it was super hot or super cold.

  25. I feel for these workers that have to do dangerous jobs like that...also for linemen. How funny though...I bet it felt wonderful to cool off!

    1. Terri,
      Me too. I don't think I would have thought of the leaf blower as a way to cool off but those guys did and it worked.

  26. You were unable to video but while reading I saw it all...Good writing as always.
    Thanks for the chuckle!

    1. GQ,
      Thanks so much for stopping by. I know this is a rough time for you. My thoughts are with your family.

  27. We are over here on the west coast. We did have a hurricane come up thru baja that wet us down a tiny bit.

    1. Mage,
      Know you all need the water so sometimes it is a good thing as long as no one gets hurt.

  28. I what a sharp contrast to the funny leaf blower vision followed by the sheer horror of Laura. I worried about and am glad you were spared. That we abuse nature like cutting tree branches to suit us gas been shown to us that nature can harm us too. We assume power over what we need is ok. But we see more and more we do not have the power. A greater power rules and we better start to respect that as if is getting more fierce.

  29. That is so funny. I had a friend with a similar problem and whenever they came to trim she went out there with soft drinks and kind of guided them to how she would like it done. She was a pre-k/kinder teacher and she just had this ability to ask people to do things her way.

  30. Picturing this gives me a good chuckle on a dreary day in CO! Remember how I fell last fall watching the young shirtless roofers? Be careful where you step when your eyes are roaming, Patti.

  31. Hi There, The Tree Trimmers definitely gave you a story to tell, didn't they? ha.... About a week ago here, we had some excitement in our usually very quiet neighborhood. Fire trucks came barreling up the street stopping at the neighbor's house next door. And since it is a Volunteer Fire Dept.--the firemen also came in their own vehicles. One fireman backed in and parked in our driveway. He then opened his front door--and preceded to change clothes (not realizing that we were standing in our home and could see him)... It made me laugh --and reminded me of your story not long ago about the trucker in your driveway.... ha ha (By the way, there was no fire in our neighbor's home, but was only a faulty wire. )

    Keep sharing your great stories!!!! Love them.
